Resistance Spot Welding with Advanced High-Strength Steels: Cold Stamped and Hot Formed | AHSS, Blog, homepage-featured-top, Joining, Joining Dissimilar Materials, main-blog, Steel Grades | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, M. Kimchi, resistance spot welding, RSW, RSW procedures | ahss blog homepage-featured-top joining joining-dissimilar-materials main-blog steel-grades metallurgy | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss m-kimchi resistance-spot-welding rsw rsw-procedures |
Cold Stamped or Hot Formed? Part II | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | Cold Forming, corrosion protection, galvanized steel, hot forming, press hardened steel | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | cold-forming corrosion-protection galvanized-steel hot-forming press-hardened-steel |
T-48 | Citations | | citations | |
W-11 | Citations | | citations | |
J-25 | Citations | | citations | |
Y-15 | Citations | | citations | |
X-2 | Citations | | citations | |
W-39 | Citations | | citations | |
W-12 | Citations | | citations | |
U-13 | Citations | | citations | |
T-47 | Citations | | citations | |
T-46 | Citations | | citations | |
N-26 | Citations | | citations | |
M-70 | Citations | | citations | |
M-65-2 | Citations | | citations | |
L-67 | Citations | | citations | |
L-66 | Citations | | citations | |
K-62 | Citations | | citations | |
K-61 | Citations | | citations | |
K-60 | Citations | | citations | |
K-59 | Citations | | citations | |
J-26 | Citations | | citations | |
I-5 | Citations | | citations | |
I-4 | Citations | | citations | |
I-3 | Citations | | citations | |
I-24 | Citations | | citations | |
I-2 | Citations | | citations | |
H-68 | Citations | | citations | |
H-67 | Citations | | citations | |
G-5 | Citations | | citations | |
E-14 | Citations | | citations | |
E-13 | Citations | | citations | |
C-5 | Citations | | citations | |
C-36 | Citations | | citations | |
C-35 | Citations | | citations | |
A-80 | News | | news | |
B-78 | Citations | | citations | |
W-40 | Citations | | citations | |
I-25 | Citations | | citations | |
U-15 | Citations | | citations | |
A-80 | News | | news | |
A-79 | Citations, News | | citations news | |
J-26 | Citations | citations | citations | citations |
Cold Stamped or Hot Formed? Part 1 | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | 22MnB5, 3rd Gen, coatings, Cold Forming, Corrosion, EG, electro, electrogalvanized, Equipment, GA, GI, Grades, hot dip, hot forming, Hot Stamping, hydroforming, liquid metal embrittlement, LME, martensite, Martensitic, microstructure, PHS, PQS, Press, press energy, press force, Press Hardened Steels, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steels, properties, roll forming, Servo, Stamping, tensile, Tonnage | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | 22mnb5 3rd-gen coatings cold-forming corrosion eg electro electrogalvanized equipment ga gi grades hot-dip hot-forming hot-stamping hydroforming liquid-metal-embrittlement lme martensite martensitic microstructure phs pqs press press-energy press-force press-hardened-steels press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steels properties roll-forming servo stamping tensile tonnage |
Using Life Cycle Assessment to Determine Steel E-Motive Concept Vehicle Emissions | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, future mobility, GHG Emissions, steel e-motive | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss future-mobility ghg-emissions steel-e-motive |
Steel E-Motive Battery Carrier Frame System and Laser Welded Door Ring Feature Part Integration to Reduce Mass and Cost | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, part inegration | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss part-inegration |
Steel E-Motive AHSS Body Concept Demonstrates Benefits Of Part Integration | AHSS, Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | | ahss blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news steel-grades metallurgy | |
Part Consolidation in an EV World | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, Battery Cover, EV, Mechanical Properties, Tailor Welded Blanks | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss battery-cover ev mechanical-properties tailor-welded-blanks |
Citation Y-14 | Citations | | citations | |
Citation M-68 | Citations | | citations | |
Citation D-44 | Citations | | citations | |
Citation B-22 | Citations | | citations | |
How Steel Properties Influence the Roll Forming Process | 3rdGen AHSS, AHSS, Blog, Forming, main-blog, News, Press Hardened Steels, Roll Forming, Roll Stamping, Springback, Steel Grades | | 3rdgen-ahss ahss blog forming main-blog news press-hardened-steels roll-forming roll-stamping springback steel-grades metallurgy | |
Resistance Spot Welding AHSS to Magnesium | Blog, homepage-featured-top, Joining, Joining Dissimilar Materials, main-blog, News, Resistance Spot Welding, Resistance Welding Processes, RSW Modelling and Performance, RSW of Dissimilar Steel | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, joining, joining dissimilar materials, M. Kimchi, magnesium, resistance spot welding, RSW, RSW procedures | blog homepage-featured-top joining joining-dissimilar-materials main-blog news resistance-spot-welding resistance-welding-processes rsw-modelling-and-performance rsw-of-dissimilar-steel | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss joining joining-dissimilar-materials m-kimchi magnesium resistance-spot-welding rsw rsw-procedures |
Citations H-66 | Citations | | citations | |
Citation H-65 | Citations | | citations | |
Meeting the Challenges of Autonomous Vehicles: A Steel E-Motive Student Engagement to Adapt SEM2 from People Mover to Commercial Delivery Vehicle | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news | |
Autonomous Vehicle Engineering Challenges: A Steel E-Motive Student Engagement – Side Door Functionality and Door Hinge Assessment | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news | |
Steel E-Motive Addresses Autonomous Vehicle Safety Challenges | Blog, main-blog, News | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, autonomous vehicles, Mechanical Properties, safety, safety standards, smart cities, steel e-motive, steel grades | blog main-blog news | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss autonomous-vehicles mechanical-properties safety safety-standards smart-cities steel-e-motive steel-grades |
Resistance Spot Welding: 5T Dissimilar Steel Stack-ups for Automotive Applications | AHSS, Blog, homepage-featured-top, Joining, main-blog, News, Resistance Spot Welding, RSW of Dissimilar Steel, Steel Grades, Tool & Die Professionals | 5T stack ups, AHSS, resistance spot welding, RSW, RSW parameters, RSW procedures, stack ups | ahss blog homepage-featured-top joining main-blog news resistance-spot-welding rsw-of-dissimilar-steel steel-grades tool-die-professionals metallurgy resistance-welding-processes | 5t-stack-ups ahss resistance-spot-welding rsw rsw-parameters rsw-procedures stack-ups |
Steel E-Motive: A Future Mobility Concept Paving the Way to Net Zero Emissions | AHSS, Blog, main-blog, News | battery electric vehicles, electric vehicles, future mobility, Level 5 autonomy, steel e-motive | ahss blog main-blog news steel-grades metallurgy | battery-electric-vehicles electric-vehicles future-mobility level-5-autonomy steel-e-motive |
U-13 | Citations | P. Ulintz | citations | p-ulintz |
Steel E-Motive: Autonomous Vehicles That Only Steel Can Make Real | 3rdGen AHSS, AHSS, Blog, General, main-blog, Metallurgy, News, Steel Grades | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, Steel EMotive | 3rdgen-ahss ahss blog general main-blog metallurgy news steel-grades | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss steel-emotive |
Die-Free Blanking of Class A Quality & Structural Parts | Blanking, Blog, Cutting-Blanking-Shearing-Trimming, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, Tool & Die Professionals | case study, die nesting, Laser Blanking, laser nesting, Schuler Group | blanking blog cutting-blanking-shearing-trimming homepage-featured-top main-blog tool-die-professionals forming | case-study die-nesting laser-blanking laser-nesting schuler-group |
S-114 | Citations | | citations | |
Resistance Spot Welding: 3T and 4T Dissimilar Steel Stack-ups for Automotive Applications | Automotive Welding Process Comparison, Blog, Joining | arc weld joints, arc welding, automotive welding, joining dissimilar materials, joining steel, M. Kimchi, Mechanical joining | automotive-welding-process-comparison blog joining | arc-weld-joints arc-welding automotive-welding joining-dissimilar-materials joining-steel m-kimchi mechanical-joining |
Talk Like a Metallurgist | 1stGen AHSS, 2ndGen AHSS, 3rdGen AHSS, AHSS, Blog, Conventional HSS, Lower Strength Steels, Metallurgy, Steel Grades | defining steel, metallurgy, steel definitions, steel grades, steel nomenclature | 1stgen-ahss 2ndgen-ahss 3rdgen-ahss ahss blog conventional-h-s-s lower-strength-steels metallurgy steel-grades | defining-steel metallurgy steel-definitions steel-grades steel-nomenclature |
A-78 | Citations | AG Caesar | citations | ag-caesar |
A-77 | Citations | ASM International | citations | asm-international |
Roll Forming | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, Roll Forming | roll forming, roll stamping, Shape Corp | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog roll-forming forming | roll-forming roll-stamping shape-corp |
S-113. | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi |
V-23. | Citations | Volkswagen A. G | citations | volkswagen-a-g |
B-77. | Citations | ThyssenKrupp Steel | citations | thyssenkrupp-steel |
L-65. | Citations | | citations | |
B-76. | Citations | ThyssenKrupp Steel | citations | thyssenkrupp-steel |
L-64 | Citations | hyundai, Hyundai Steel | citations | hyundai hyundai-steel |
W-10 | Citations | | citations | |
M-67 | Citations | | citations | |
T-45 | Citations | ThyssenKrupp Steel | citations | thyssenkrupp-steel |
R-29 | Citations | | citations | |
L-63 | Citations | | citations | |
H-65 | Citations | | citations | |
K-58 | Citations | POSCO | citations | posco |
S-112 | Citations | Honda. | citations | honda |
H-49 | Citations | Honda. | citations | honda |
S-111 | Citations | SSAB | citations | ssab |
Uniform Elongation | Mechanical Properties | diffuse necking, local necking, Mechanical Properties, n-value, necking, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, true stress strain, uniform elongation | mechanical-properties forming | diffuse-necking local-necking mechanical-properties n-value necking stress-strain-curve tensile-testing true-stress-strain uniform-elongation |
High Strain Rate Testing | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, Testing and Characterization | crash simulations, high speed testing, high strain rate testing, ISO 26203-1, ISO 26203-2, SEP 1230, speed | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog testing-characterization-forming forming | crash-simulations high-speed-testing high-strain-rate-testing iso-26203-1 iso-26203-2 sep-1230 speed |
Benefits of Tailored Products in Automotive Body Construction | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | Laser Welded Blanks, Laser welded tailored blanks, LWB, Tailor Rolled Blanks, Tailor Rolled Coils, Tailor Welded Blanks, tailored blanks, Tailored Coils, tailored properties, TWB | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | laser-welded-blanks laser-welded-tailored-blanks lwb tailor-rolled-blanks tailor-rolled-coils tailor-welded-blanks tailored-blanks tailored-coils tailored-properties twb |
More Reveals of the Steel E-Motive Autonomous Vehicle Demonstration | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | 3rd Gen Steel, advanced high-strength steel, body in white, crash simulation, FFB, short overhang, side crash, side pole, SORB, steel e-motive | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog news | 3rd-gen-steel advanced-high-strength-steel body-in-white crash-simulation ffb short-overhang side-crash side-pole sorb steel-e-motive |
Steel E-Motive Closures: Balancing openness and accessibility to create a safe & strong autonomous vehicle | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | |
Designing For Vehicle Crash Requirements that Don’t Yet Exist | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | 3rd Gen Steel, crash safety, steel e-motive | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | 3rd-gen-steel crash-safety steel-e-motive |
Using Martensitic Steels as an Alternative to Press Hardening Steel – Laboratory Evaluations | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | Cold rolled steel, cold-formed steel, JFE Steel, martensite | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | cold-rolled-steel cold-formed-steel jfe-steel martensite |
T-44 | Citations | JFE Steel Corporation, S. Tobita, T. Shinmiya, Y. Yamasaki | citations | jfe-steel-corporation s-tobita t-shinmiya y-yamasaki |
T-29 | Citations | J. Hiramoto, S. Tobita, T. Shinmiya, Y. Yamasaki | citations | j-hiramoto s-tobita t-shinmiya y-yamasaki |
J-24 | Citations | JFE Steel, JFE Steel Corporation, Toyota | citations | jfe-steel jfe-steel-corporation toyota |
K-57 | Citations | Nissan Motor, T. Kondo | citations | nissan-motor t-kondo |
Martensite | 1stGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 1stGen steel, AHSS, ASTM A980M, cold stamping, MART, martensite, Martensite metallurgy, microstructural components, microstructure, MS, SAE J2745, VDA 239-100 | 1stgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 1stgen-steel ahss astm-a980m cold-stamping mart martensite martensite-metallurgy microstructural-components microstructure ms sae-j2745 vda-239-100 |
What are 3rd Gen AHSS? | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | 3rd Gen definition | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | 3rd-gen-definition |
Conventional Rule-of-Thumb Calculations Lead to Inaccurate Press Tonnage Predictions | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | Auto/Steel Partnership, calculations, Michael Davenport, press predictions, press tonnage, rule-of-thumb calculations | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | auto-steel-partnership calculations michael-davenport press-predictions press-tonnage rule-of-thumb-calculations |
Servo Press Force and Energy Considerations When Working With AHSS | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | Hydraulic Press, Press, press energy, press force, Servo-Hydraulic, Servo-Mechanical | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | hydraulic-press press press-energy press-force servo-hydraulic servo-mechanical |
Process, Microstructure and Fracture Mode of Thick Stack-Ups of Aluminum Alloy to AHSS Dissimilar Spot Joints | Resistance Welding Steel to Aluminium | 2T stack ups, 3T stack ups, join steel and aluminum, laser 2T stack ups, laser 3T stack ups, laser welding | resistance-welding-steel-aluminium joining-dissimilar-materials joining | 2t-stack-ups 3t-stack-ups join-steel-and-aluminum laser-2t-stack-ups laser-3t-stack-ups laser-welding |
W-9 | Citations | American Welding Society, AWS, Colleen Hilla, Luke Walker, Menachem Kimchi, Ohio State University, Wei Zhang | citations | american-welding-society aws colleen-hilla luke-walker menachem-kimchi ohio-state-university wei-zhang |
Improvement of Delayed Cracking in Laser Weld of AHSS and 980 3rd Gen AHSS | Laser Welding | 3rd Gen, Delayed cracking, laser welding | laser-welding joining | 3rd-gen delayed-cracking laser-welding |
L-62 | Citations | American Welding Society, AWS, Chonghua Jiang, Kyle Kram, Linlin Jiang, Sheet Metal Welding Conference XIX | citations | american-welding-society aws chonghua-jiang kyle-kram linlin-jiang sheet-metal-welding-conference-xix |
Hot cracking investigation in HSS laser welding with multi-scale modelling approach | Laser Welding | Hot Cracking susceptibility in TRIP and DP, laser welding, multi-scale modelling | laser-welding joining | hot-cracking-susceptibility-in-trip-and-dp laser-welding multi-scale-modelling |
G-4 | Citations | G. Agarwal, H. Gao, M. Amirthalingam, M. J. M. Hermans, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining | citations | g-agarwal h-gao m-amirthalingam m-j-m-hermans science-and-technology-of-welding-and-joining |
Simulation Inputs | Simulation | Bauschinger Effect, constitutive laws, failure criteria, flow stress, formability, forming, hardening law, Homogeneous Anisotropic Hardening (HAH) models, material card, plasticity, simulation, work hardening, yield function, yield locus | simulation forming | bauschinger-effect constitutive-laws failure-criteria flow-stress formability forming hardening-law homogeneous-anisotropic-hardening-hah-models material-card plasticity simulation work-hardening yield-function yield-locus |
Tube Forming | Tube Forming | electric resistance welding, ERW, high frequency induction welding, Hydroform, resistance welding, roll forming, tailored properties, Tube | tube-forming forming | electric-resistance-welding erw high-frequency-induction-welding hydroform resistance-welding roll-forming tailored-properties tube |
Bend Testing | Testing and Characterization | ASTM E290, bend angle, Bend Test, Bending, ISO 7438, JIS Z2248, simulation, testing and characterization, VDA 238-100 | testing-characterization-forming forming | astm-e290 bend-angle bend-test bending iso-7438 jis-z2248 simulation testing-and-characterization vda-238-100 |
Edge Stretching Tests | Testing and Characterization | Edge Stretching, Edge Tension Test, half dogbone, Half-Specimen Dome Test, Hole Tension Test, HSDT, ISO 16630, Shear Affected Zone, Side Bending Test | testing-characterization-forming forming | edge-stretching edge-tension-test half-dogbone half-specimen-dome-test hole-tension-test hsdt iso-16630 shear-affected-zone side-bending-test |
Improvement by Metallurgical Approaches | Testing and Characterization | Bainite, edge quality, ferrite, hardness difference, hole expansion, Hole Expansion Capacity, Hole Expansion Test, Hole Extrusion, Hole Flanging, machined hole, martensite, microhardness, Phase, punched hole | testing-characterization-forming forming | bainite edge-quality ferrite hardness-difference hole-expansion hole-expansion-capacity hole-expansion-test hole-extrusion hole-flanging machined-hole martensite microhardness phase punched-hole |
A New Global Formability Diagram | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | 3rd Gen, 3rd Gen definition, 3rd Generation, AHSS, banana diagram, bubble diagram, defining AHSS, defining UHSS, football diagram, Gen 3, Global Formability Diagram, what is 3rd Gen steel?, what is Gen 3 steel? | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | 3rd-gen 3rd-gen-definition 3rd-generation ahss banana-diagram bubble-diagram defining-ahss defining-uhss football-diagram gen-3 global-formability-diagram what-is-3rd-gen-steel what-is-gen-3-steel |
Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding (HLAW) Pore Formation and Prevention | High Energy Density Welding | High energy density welding, HLAW, HLAW pores, Hybrid laser-arc welding, Southern Methodist University | high-energy-density-welding joining | high-energy-density-welding hlaw hlaw-pores hybrid-laser-arc-welding southern-methodist-university |
M-66 | Citations | J. Ma, M. Mazar Atabaki, Materials Design, R. Kovacevic, W. Liu | citations | j-ma m-mazar-atabaki materials-design r-kovacevic w-liu |
GMAW of Dissimilar AHSS Sheets | Arc Welding | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, gas metal arc welding, GMAW, Transformation Induced Plasticity, TRIP, Twinning Induced Plasticity, TWIP | arc-welding joining | budapest-university-of-technology-and-economics free-university-of-bozen-bolzano gas-metal-arc-welding gmaw transformation-induced-plasticity trip twinning-induced-plasticity twip |
M-65 | Citations | E. Kalácska, K. Májlinger, Materials Design, P. Russo Spena | citations | e-kalacska k-majlinger materials-design p-russo-spena |
Additive Manufacturing | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | 3D Printing, 3DP, ABS, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, Additive Manufacturing, Agile Tooling, AM, Automotive, BAAM, Big Area Additive Manufacturing, DED, Direct Metal Deposition, Directed Energy Deposition, DMD, FDM, FFF, Fused Deposition Modeling, Fused Filament Fabrication, Hot Stamping, hydroforming, Laser Engineered Net Shaping, Laser Metal Deposition, LENS, LMD, MAM, Metal Additive Manufacturing, PBF, PC, PEEK, PLA, Polycarbonate, Polyether ether ketone, Polylactic Acid, Powder Bed Fusion, Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, Shaped Metal Deposition, SMD, Stamping | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | 3d-printing 3dp abs acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene additive-manufacturing agile-tooling am automotive baam big-area-additive-manufacturing ded direct-metal-deposition directed-energy-deposition dmd fdm fff fused-deposition-modeling fused-filament-fabrication hot-stamping hydroforming laser-engineered-net-shaping laser-metal-deposition lens lmd mam metal-additive-manufacturing pbf pc peek pla polycarbonate polyether-ether-ketone polylactic-acid powder-bed-fusion prototyping rapid-tooling shaped-metal-deposition smd stamping |
Press Hardened Steels | 1stGen AHSS, AHSS, Press Hardened Steels, Steel Grades | 1stGen steel, 3rd Gen, AHSS, AlSi, AS coating, Bake Hardenability, Boron Steel, critical cooling rate, Direct Press Hardening, E. Billur, hot forming, hot press forming, hot stamped boron, Hot Stamping, Indirect Press Hardening, martensite, Medium-Mn, PHS, PHS Grades Over 1500 MPa, PHS Grades with Tensile Strength Approximately 1500 MPa, PQS Grades with High Elongation, Pre-cooled Direct Process, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steel, quenching, Stainless, VDA 239-500, Zn coated PHS | 1stgen-ahss ahss press-hardened-steels steel-grades metallurgy forming | 1stgen-steel 3rd-gen ahss alsi as-coating bake-hardenability boron-steel critical-cooling-rate direct-press-hardening e-billur hot-forming hot-press-forming hot-stamped-boron hot-stamping indirect-press-hardening martensite medium-mn phs phs-grades-over-1500-mpa phs-grades-with-tensile-strength-approximately-1500-mpa pqs-grades-with-high-elongation pre-cooled-direct-process press-hardening press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steel quenching stainless vda-239-500 zn-coated-phs |
Vision for Industry 4.0 in Sheet Metal Forming | homepage-featured-top, main-blog, News | 3MA, AHSS Insights blog, artificial intelligence, closed-loop control, control algorithms, digital twin, draw-in, eddy current, ewi forming, Fraunhofer Institute, hyunok kim, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, IoT, machine learning, machine vision, NDE, Non-destructive evaluations, process control, sensors | homepage-featured-top main-blog news | 3ma ahss-insights-blog artificial-intelligence closed-loop-control control-algorithms digital-twin draw-in eddy-current ewi-forming fraunhofer-institute hyunok-kim industry-4-0 internet-of-things iot machine-learning machine-vision nde non-destructive-evaluations process-control sensors |
Press Hardened Steels Primer | Forming, Press Hardened Steels | Boron Steel, E. Billur, Hot Stamping, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steel | forming press-hardened-steels | boron-steel e-billur hot-stamping press-hardening press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steel |
Defining Steels | Metallurgy | 3rd Gen, 3rd Generation, AHSS, banana diagram, bubble diagram, defining AHSS, defining UHSS, football diagram, Global Formability Diagram, Hance Diagram, Local Formability, local/global formability map, microstructural components, microstructure, nomenclature, syntax, tensile, terminology, UHSS, yield | metallurgy | 3rd-gen 3rd-generation ahss banana-diagram bubble-diagram defining-ahss defining-uhss football-diagram global-formability-diagram hance-diagram local-formability local-global-formability-map microstructural-components microstructure nomenclature syntax tensile terminology uhss yield |
Tailored Products | Tailored Products | BEV, case study, Isaac Luther, Laser Welded Blanks, Laser welded tailored blanks, LWB, Tailor Rolled Blanks, Tailor Rolled Coils, Tailor Welded Blanks, tailored blanks, Tailored Coils, tailored properties, TWB, TWB company | tailored-products forming | bev case-study isaac-luther laser-welded-blanks laser-welded-tailored-blanks lwb tailor-rolled-blanks tailor-rolled-coils tailor-welded-blanks tailored-blanks tailored-coils tailored-properties twb twb-company |
R-28 | Citations | DYNAmore GmbH, K. Roll | citations | dynamore-gmbh k-roll |
G-3 | Citations | I. M. Gonzalez, International Automotive Body Congress (IABC) | citations | i-m-gonzalez international-automotive-body-congress-iabc |
B-75 | Citations | H. Bodin, patent, U.S. Patent | citations | h-bodin patent u-s-patent |
P-4 | Citations | F. Pinard, International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG), J. Y. Sener, L. Cretteur | citations | f-pinard international-deep-drawing-research-group-iddrg j-y-sener l-cretteur |
D-2 | Citations | Deutsches Institut fur Normung and Euronorm, DIN EN 10359 | citations | deutsches-institut-fur-normung-and-euronorm din-en-10359 |
L-61 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Great Designs in Steel, J. Lucas | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi great-designs-in-steel j-lucas |
PHS Tailored Products | Press Hardened Steels | Boron Steel, E. Billur, Hot Stamping, Laser Welded Blanks, Laser welded tailored blanks, LWB, Post Hardening Processing, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steel, soft zones, Tailor Rolled Blanks, Tailor Rolled Coils, Tailor Welded Blanks, Tailor Welded Coils, tailored blanks, Tailored Heating, Tailored Quenching, Tailored Tempering, TRB, TWB | press-hardened-steels forming | boron-steel e-billur hot-stamping laser-welded-blanks laser-welded-tailored-blanks lwb post-hardening-processing press-hardening press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steel soft-zones tailor-rolled-blanks tailor-rolled-coils tailor-welded-blanks tailor-welded-coils tailored-blanks tailored-heating tailored-quenching tailored-tempering trb twb |
F-42 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Great Designs in Steel, R. Funada | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi great-designs-in-steel r-funada |
Correcting Springback | Springback | angular change, Bauschinger Effect, beads, Bending, correcting springback, darts, dimensional problems, Elastic Modulus, HAH, Homogeneous Anisotropic Hardening, hybrid beads, post-stretch, sidewall curl, springback, stake beads, step flanges, twist, Yoshida‐Uemori model, YU Model | springback forming | angular-change bauschinger-effect beads bending correcting-springback darts dimensional-problems elastic-modulus hah homogeneous-anisotropic-hardening hybrid-beads post-stretch sidewall-curl springback stake-beads step-flanges twist yoshida%e2%80%90uemori-model yu-model |
PHS Production Methods | Press Hardened Steels | 3-Dimensional Hot Bending and Quenching, 3DQ, Boron Steel, Direct Press Hardening, E. Billur, Form Blow Hardening, Form Fixture Press Hardening, Form Hardening, gestamp, Hot Gas Metal Forming, Hot Stamping, Hybrid Press Hardening, Indirect Press Hardening, Multi-Step Press Hardening, Pre-cooled Direct Process, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steel, Roll Form PHS, STAF, Steel Tube Air Forming | press-hardened-steels forming | 3-dimensional-hot-bending-and-quenching 3dq boron-steel direct-press-hardening e-billur form-blow-hardening form-fixture-press-hardening form-hardening gestamp hot-gas-metal-forming hot-stamping hybrid-press-hardening indirect-press-hardening multi-step-press-hardening pre-cooled-direct-process press-hardening press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steel roll-form-phs staf steel-tube-air-forming |
Cutting, Blanking, Shearing & Trimming | Cutting, Cutting-Blanking-Shearing-Trimming | 2-D Edge Tension, blanking, burr, clearance, edge ductility, Global Formability, Half-specimen dome, hole expansion, Local Formability, piercing, Schuler Group, Shear Affected Zone, shearing, slitting, trimming | cutting cutting-blanking-shearing-trimming forming | 2-d-edge-tension blanking burr clearance edge-ductility global-formability half-specimen-dome hole-expansion local-formability piercing schuler-group shear-affected-zone shearing slitting trimming |
Coatings for PHS | Press Hardened Steels | AlSi, aluminium-based coating, AS coating, barrier protection, Boron Steel, corrosion protection, decarburization, dew point, Eren Billur, furnace, galvanic protection, Hot Stamping, hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen induced cracking, interdiffusion layer, liquid metal embrittlement, LME, oxide layer, pre-cooling, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steel, Scale, shot blasting, varnish coating, Zn coated PHS, Zn coating | press-hardened-steels forming | alsi aluminium-based-coating as-coating barrier-protection boron-steel corrosion-protection decarburization dew-point eren-billur furnace galvanic-protection hot-stamping hydrogen-embrittlement hydrogen-induced-cracking interdiffusion-layer liquid-metal-embrittlement lme oxide-layer pre-cooling press-hardening press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steel scale shot-blasting varnish-coating zn-coated-phs zn-coating |
L-60 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Great Designs in Steel, J. Coryell, J. Wang, M. Shi, Q. Lu, S. Tedesco | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi great-designs-in-steel j-coryell j-wang m-shi q-lu s-tedesco |
F-41 | Citations | R. Funada, Sumitomo Heavy Industries | citations | r-funada sumitomo-heavy-industries |
K-56 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Great Designs in Steel, H. Kim, J. Gu, J. P Singh, M. Enloe | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi great-designs-in-steel h-kim j-gu j-p-singh m-enloe |
S-110 | Citations | | citations | |
Z-15 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute, American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), D.J. Zhou, Great Designs in Steel, K. Kannan | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi d-j-zhou great-designs-in-steel k-kannan |
Z-14 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute, Great Designs in Steel, M. Zoernack | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute great-designs-in-steel m-zoernack |
Press Requirements | Press Requirements | Hydraulic Press, Mechanical Press, Press, Servo-Hydraulic, Servo-Mechanical | press-requirements forming | hydraulic-press mechanical-press press servo-hydraulic servo-mechanical |
Welcome to the All New AHSS Application Guidelines! | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | advanced high-strength steel, AHSS, forming, Guidelines, joining, metallurgy, version 7.0 | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | advanced-high-strength-steel ahss forming guidelines joining metallurgy version-7-0 |
Hole Expansion Testing | Testing and Characterization | burr, burr orientation, clearance, conical punch, edge quality, edge stretchability, flat-bottom punch, hardness difference, HEC, hemispherical punch, HER, HET, hole diameter, hole expansion, Hole Expansion Capacity, Hole Expansion Test, Hole Extrusion, Hole Flanging, humped punch, ISO 16630, JIS Z 2256, Local Formability, machined hole, metallurgical phase, punched hole, SAZ, Shear Affected Zone, spherical punch | testing-characterization-forming forming | burr burr-orientation clearance conical-punch edge-quality edge-stretchability flat-bottom-punch hardness-difference hec hemispherical-punch her het hole-diameter hole-expansion hole-expansion-capacity hole-expansion-test hole-extrusion hole-flanging humped-punch iso-16630 jis-z-2256 local-formability machined-hole metallurgical-phase punched-hole saz shear-affected-zone spherical-punch |
Springback | Forming, Springback | angular change, beads, Bending, darts, dimensional problems, Elastic Modulus, HAH, Homogeneous Anisotropic Hardening, hybrid beads, post-stretch, sidewall curl, springback, stake beads, step flanges, twist | forming springback | angular-change beads bending darts dimensional-problems elastic-modulus hah homogeneous-anisotropic-hardening hybrid-beads post-stretch sidewall-curl springback stake-beads step-flanges twist |
Elastic Modulus | Mechanical Properties | Bauschinger Effect, Cold rolled, E-modulus, Elastic Modulus, elastic modulus variation, hot rolled, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical tensile properties testing, Modulus, Modulus degradation, residual stress, simulation, slope, springback, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, Young’s Modulus | mechanical-properties forming | bauschinger-effect cold-rolled e-modulus elastic-modulus elastic-modulus-variation hot-rolled mechanical-properties mechanical-tensile-properties-testing modulus modulus-degradation residual-stress simulation slope springback stress-strain-curve tensile-testing youngs-modulus |
A-76 | Citations | A. Richter, B. Carlsson, E. Atzema, M. Borsutzki, M. Braun, M. Bulter, P. Larour, S. Brockmann | citations | a-richter b-carlsson e-atzema m-borsutzki m-braun m-bulter p-larour s-brockmann |
K-45 | Citations | T. Kondo | citations | t-kondo |
Dual Phase | 1stGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 1stGen steel, AHSS, ASTM A1088, bake hardening effect, DP, Dual Phase, EN 10338, ferrite, JFS A2001, JIS G3135, martensite, microstructure, SAE J2745, Strain Hardening Exponent, VDA 239-100, work hardening | 1stgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 1stgen-steel ahss astm-a1088 bake-hardening-effect dp dual-phase en-10338 ferrite jfs-a2001 jis-g3135 martensite microstructure sae-j2745 strain-hardening-exponent vda-239-100 work-hardening |
Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) | 1stGen AHSS, 3rdGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 1stGen steel, 3rd Generation, AHSS, ASTM A1088, Bainite, EN 10338, ferrite, JFS A2001, martensite, microstructure, retained austenite, SAE J2745, Strain Hardening Exponent, Transformation Induced Plasticity, TRIP, TRIP Effect, TRIP metallurgy, VDA 239-100, work hardening | 1stgen-ahss 3rdgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 1stgen-steel 3rd-generation ahss astm-a1088 bainite en-10338 ferrite jfs-a2001 martensite microstructure retained-austenite sae-j2745 strain-hardening-exponent transformation-induced-plasticity trip trip-effect trip-metallurgy vda-239-100 work-hardening |
Complex Phase | 1stGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 1stGen steel, AHSS, ASTM A1088, Bainite, bendability, Bending, Complex Phase, CP, EN 10338, ferrite, Local Formability, martensite, microalloy, microstructural components, microstructure, precipitation strengthening, retained austenite, VDA 239-100 | 1stgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 1stgen-steel ahss astm-a1088 bainite bendability bending complex-phase cp en-10338 ferrite local-formability martensite microalloy microstructural-components microstructure precipitation-strengthening retained-austenite vda-239-100 |
Ferrite-Bainite | 1stGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 1stGen steel, AHSS, Bainite, cut edge stretching, edge stretchability, EN 10338, FB, ferrite, Ferrite-Bainite, HHE, hole expansion, Hole Extrusion, Hole Flanging, hot rolled steel, JFS A2001, microstructural components, microstructure, Stretchability, Stretching, VDA 239-100 | 1stgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 1stgen-steel ahss bainite cut-edge-stretching edge-stretchability en-10338 fb ferrite ferrite-bainite hhe hole-expansion hole-extrusion hole-flanging hot-rolled-steel jfs-a2001 microstructural-components microstructure stretchability stretching vda-239-100 |
Ultra-Low Carbon (DDS – EDDS) | Lower Strength Steels, Steel Grades | DDS, deep drawing steel, EDDS, extra deep drawing steel, ferrite, ferrite Ultra-low carbon mild steel, microstructure, mild steel, ULC, ultra low carbon, vacuum degassed, VD-IF | lower-strength-steels steel-grades metallurgy | dds deep-drawing-steel edds extra-deep-drawing-steel ferrite ferrite-ultra-low-carbon-mild-steel microstructure mild-steel ulc ultra-low-carbon vacuum-degassed vd-if |
3rd Generation Steels | 3rdGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 3rd Gen, Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, Carbide Free Bainite, CFB, CH, complex phase high ductility, CP-HD, DH, downgauging, DP-HD, dual phase - high ductility, high ductility, Intercritical anneal, manganese, Medium-Mn, overaging, QP, Quench and Partition, TBF, Third Generation, TRIP Assisted Bainitic Ferrite, TRIP Effect | 3rdgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 3rd-gen advanced-high-strength-steels ahss carbide-free-bainite cfb ch complex-phase-high-ductility cp-hd dh downgauging dp-hd dual-phase-high-ductility high-ductility intercritical-anneal manganese medium-mn overaging qp quench-and-partition tbf third-generation trip-assisted-bainitic-ferrite trip-effect |
Carbon-Manganese (CMn) | Conventional HSS, Steel Grades | ASTM A1008M, C-Mn, carbon, carbon and manganese, Carbon-manganese, CMn, conventional high-strength steel, high strength steel, JFS A2001, JIS G3135, manganese, structural steel, Yield Strength | conventional-h-s-s steel-grades metallurgy | astm-a1008m c-mn carbon carbon-and-manganese carbon-manganese cmn conventional-high-strength-steel high-strength-steel jfs-a2001 jis-g3135 manganese structural-steel yield-strength |
High Strength Low Alloy Steel | Conventional HSS, Steel Grades | ASTM, ASTM A1008M, C-Mn, Carbon-manganese, CMn, conventional high-strength steel, EN 10268, High strength low alloy, HSLA, JFS A2001, JIS G3135, LA, microalloy, precipitation strengthening, VDA 239-100, Yield Strength | conventional-h-s-s steel-grades metallurgy | astm astm-a1008m c-mn carbon-manganese cmn conventional-high-strength-steel en-10268 high-strength-low-alloy hsla jfs-a2001 jis-g3135 la microalloy precipitation-strengthening vda-239-100 yield-strength |
Mild Steels | Lower Strength Steels, Steel Grades | ASTM A1008M, DQ, DQAK, DQSK, draw quality steel, drawing steel, DS, EN 10130, ferrite, JFS A2001, JIS G3141, low carbon, microstructure, mild steel, ULC, ultra low carbon, VDA 239-100 | lower-strength-steels steel-grades metallurgy | astm-a1008m dq dqak dqsk draw-quality-steel drawing-steel ds en-10130 ferrite jfs-a2001 jis-g3141 low-carbon microstructure mild-steel ulc ultra-low-carbon vda-239-100 |
Quality Control | Quality Control | die maintenance, door inner reference, process control, reference panels, split-buckle analysis | quality-control forming | die-maintenance door-inner-reference process-control reference-panels split-buckle-analysis |
I-21 | Citations | United States Automotive Materials Partnership LLC (USAMP), US Department of Energy | citations | united-states-automotive-materials-partnership-llc-usamp us-department-of-energy |
Additive Manufacturing for Sheet Metal Forming Tools | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printing, 3DP, ABS, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, Additive Manufacturing, Agile Tooling, AM, Automotive, BAAM, Big Area Additive Manufacturing, DED, Direct Metal Deposition, Directed Energy Deposition, DMD, FDM, FFF, Fused Deposition Modeling, Fused Filament Fabrication, Hot Stamping, hydroforming, Laser Engineered Net Shaping, Laser Metal Deposition, LENS, LMD, MAM, Metal Additive Manufacturing, PBF, PC, PEEK, PLA, Polycarbonate, Polyether ether ketone, Polylactic Acid, Powder Bed Fusion, Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, Shaped Metal Deposition, SMD, Stamping | additive-manufacturing forming | 3d-printing 3dp abs acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene additive-manufacturing agile-tooling am automotive baam big-area-additive-manufacturing ded direct-metal-deposition directed-energy-deposition dmd fdm fff fused-deposition-modeling fused-filament-fabrication hot-stamping hydroforming laser-engineered-net-shaping laser-metal-deposition lens lmd mam metal-additive-manufacturing pbf pc peek pla polycarbonate polyether-ether-ketone polylactic-acid powder-bed-fusion prototyping rapid-tooling shaped-metal-deposition smd stamping |
True Fracture Strain | Formability, true fracture strain | critical fracture strain, formability classification, fracture appearance, fracture orientation, Fracture Strain, Local Formability, local/global formability map, TFS, True Fracture Strain, true thinning strain at fracture | formability true-fracture-strain forming shearing | critical-fracture-strain formability-classification fracture-appearance fracture-orientation fracture-strain local-formability local-global-formability-map tfs true-fracture-strain true-thinning-strain-at-fracture |
M-64 | Citations | D. Malen | citations | d-malen |
B-74 | Citations | Bloomberg Finance, Business Council for Sustainable Energy | citations | bloomberg-finance business-council-for-sustainable-energy |
B-73 | Citations | C. Bloch, J. Newcomb, M.Tyson, Rocky Mountain Institute, S. Shiledar | citations | c-bloch j-newcomb m-tyson rocky-mountain-institute s-shiledar |
F-38 | Citations | Institute for Local Self Reliance, J. Farrell | citations | institute-for-local-self-reliance j-farrell |
B-50 | Citations | Bloomberg New Energy Finance | citations | bloomberg-new-energy-finance |
D-33 | Citations | AISI, American Iron and Steel Institute, David Diaz-Infante | citations | aisi american-iron-and-steel-institute david-diaz-infante |
M-63 | Citations | Association for Iron & Steel Technology, C. Du, E.D. Bishop, J. M. Prencipe, J. Wu, L. Zhang, M. Garnett, M. Milititsky, P.J. Belanger | citations | association-for-iron-steel-technology c-du e-d-bishop j-m-prencipe j-wu l-zhang m-garnett m-milititsky p-j-belanger |
P-31 | Citations | A. M. Yan, C. Liu, D.T. Pham, F. Carrai, F. Massage, M. Li, S. Z. Su, V. Madhavan | citations | a-m-yan c-liu d-t-pham f-carrai f-massage m-li s-z-su v-madhavan |
J-23 | Citations | Japan Iron and Steel Federation Standard, Japanese Standards Association Group, JFS | citations | japan-iron-and-steel-federation-standard japanese-standards-association-group jfs |
Interstitial-Free High Strength | Conventional HSS, Steel Grades | EDDS, EN 10268, IF, IF-HS, IF-Rephos, Interstitial-Free High Strength, JFS A2001, Rephosphorized, ULC, VD-IF, VDA 239-100 | conventional-h-s-s steel-grades metallurgy | edds en-10268 if if-hs if-rephos interstitial-free-high-strength jfs-a2001 rephosphorized ulc vd-if vda-239-100 |
Bake Hardenable | AHSS, Conventional HSS, Steel Grades | ASTM A1008M, Bake Hardenability, Bake hardenable, bake hardening, bake hardening effect, Baking Index, BH, BH effect, BHI, carbon, dent, dislocations, EN10268, JFS A2001, JIS G3135, microstructural components, paint bake, SAE J2575, strain aging, VDA239-100, work hardening | ahss conventional-h-s-s steel-grades metallurgy | astm-a1008m bake-hardenability bake-hardenable bake-hardening bake-hardening-effect baking-index bh bh-effect bhi carbon dent dislocations en10268 jfs-a2001 jis-g3135 microstructural-components paint-bake sae-j2575 strain-aging vda239-100 work-hardening |
Submitting Your Content | About | Advanced High-Strength Steels, AHSS, AHSS Insights blog | about | advanced-high-strength-steels ahss ahss-insights-blog |
G-49 | Citations | D. Schoch, F. Alamos, H. Kim, J Bornhorst, J. Gu, Materials Science and Engineering | citations | d-schoch f-alamos h-kim j-bornhorst j-gu materials-science-and-engineering |
M-Value | Mechanical Properties | B. Yan, C. Walch, M-value, Mechanical Properties, Strain rate, Strain rate sensitivity, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, voestalpine stahl | mechanical-properties forming | b-yan c-walch m-value mechanical-properties strain-rate strain-rate-sensitivity stress-strain-curve tensile-testing voestalpine-stahl |
Crash Management | Crash Management, structural performance | Crash, energy, energy absorption, high strain, Strain rate sensitivity | crash-management structural-performance forming | crash energy energy-absorption high-strain strain-rate-sensitivity |
Forming Limit Curves (FLC) | Formability | DIC, FLC, FLD, Forming Limit Curves, Forming Limit Diagram, Marciniak, Nakajima, Nakazima | formability forming | dic flc fld forming-limit-curves forming-limit-diagram marciniak nakajima nakazima |
Circle Grid Strain Analysis (CGSA) | Formability | Circle Grid Strain Analysis, FLC, FLD, Forming Limit Curves, Forming Limit Diagram, Strain Analysis | formability forming | circle-grid-strain-analysis flc fld forming-limit-curves forming-limit-diagram strain-analysis |
L-58 | Citations | Ohio State University, Y. Lu | citations | ohio-state-university y-lu |
Introduction | Joining | arc welding, GMAW, joining, laser welding, resistance welding, solid state welding | joining | arc-welding gmaw joining laser-welding resistance-welding solid-state-welding |
Dedicated in Memory to Dr. Stuart Keeler | About | S. Keeler | about | s-keeler |
T-43 | Citations | Tofaş | citations | tofas |
B-72 | Citations | BMW Group | citations | bmw-group |
B-71 | Citations | P. Belanger | citations | p-belanger |
J-22 | Citations | J. Jergeus, J.K. Larsson, M. Fermer, R. Johansson | citations | j-jergeus j-k-larsson m-fermer r-johansson |
K-55 | Citations | R. Kolleck, R. Veit | citations | r-kolleck r-veit |
M-62 | Citations | J. Lechler, M. Merklein, T. Stoehr | citations | j-lechler m-merklein t-stoehr |
O-14 | Citations | B. Griesbach, B. Oberpriller, L. Burkhardt | citations | b-griesbach b-oberpriller l-burkhardt |
C-4 | Citations | B. M. Kim, C. G. Kang, H. S. Choi, P. K. Seo, W. S. Lim | citations | b-m-kim c-g-kang h-s-choi p-k-seo w-s-lim |
B-70 | Citations | E. Billur | citations | e-billur |
B-69 | Citations | C. Bloor, C. Wang, E. Billur, H. Porzner, M. Holecek, T. Altan | citations | c-bloor c-wang e-billur h-porzner m-holecek t-altan |
M-61 | Citations | A. Ghiotti, M. Lechner, M. Merklein, M. Wieland, S. Bruschi | citations | a-ghiotti m-lechner m-merklein m-wieland s-bruschi |
P-3 | Citations | B. Pohl, J. Lukac | citations | b-pohl j-lukac |
B-68 | Citations | K. M. Bader | citations | k-m-bader |
A-74 | Citations | F. Russ, J. Patak, M. Alsmann, M. Goede, M. Lalla, S. Kulp | citations | f-russ j-patak m-alsmann m-goede m-lalla s-kulp |
L-56 | Citations | H. Lehmann, P. Feuser | citations | h-lehmann p-feuser |
R-27 | Citations | C. Rauber | citations | c-rauber |
B-67 | Citations | B.-A. Behrens, S. Hübner | citations | b-a-behrens s-hubner |
M-60 | Citations | K. Mongkolkaji, K. Mori, T. Maeno | citations | k-mongkolkaji k-mori t-maeno |
G-48 | Citations | B.-A. Behrens, F. Nürnberger, H. J. Maier, K. Wölki, M.-H. Stolte, O. Golovko, S. Hübner | citations | b-a-behrens f-nurnberger h-j-maier k-wolki m-h-stolte o-golovko s-hubner |
S-109 | Citations | F. Schieck | citations | f-schieck |
K-54 | Citations | A. Ademaj, C. Koroschetz, K. Eriksson, O. Kragt | citations | a-ademaj c-koroschetz k-eriksson o-kragt |
B-66 | Citations | A. Chugreev, A. Seel, B.-A. Behrens, F. Bohne, K. Wölki, M. Jalanesh, S. Hübner | citations | a-chugreev a-seel b-a-behrens f-bohne k-wolki m-jalanesh s-hubner |
B-65 | Citations | A. Bouguecha, B.-A. Behrens, C. M. Gaebel, J. Moritz, J. Schrödter | citations | a-bouguecha b-a-behrens c-m-gaebel j-moritz j-schrodter |
O-13 | Citations | A. Oppermann, American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) | citations | a-oppermann american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi |
E-12 | Citations | F. J. Ebner | citations | f-j-ebner |
K-53 | Citations | A. Sommer, M. Rosner, R. Kelsch, T. Kurz | citations | a-sommer m-rosner r-kelsch t-kurz |
L-55 | Citations | D. Casellas, I. Laumann, I. Valls, M. D. Riera, M. Grané | citations | d-casellas i-laumann i-valls m-d-riera m-grane |
B-64 | Citations | S. Burget, S. Sommer | citations | s-burget s-sommer |
H-62 | Citations | T. Hambrech | citations | t-hambrech |
F-2 | Citations | M. Fermer | citations | m-fermer |
H-61 | Citations | M. Åslund, O. Hedegärd | citations | m-aslund o-hedegard |
M-59 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), S. Morgans | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi s-morgans |
M-8 | Citations | J. Clobes, K. Steinhoff, M. Alsmann, M. Maikranz-Valentin, M. Schulz, S. Kulp | citations | j-clobes k-steinhoff m-alsmann m-maikranz-valentin m-schulz s-kulp |
V-22 | Citations | Volkswagen A. G | citations | volkswagen-a-g |
K-52 | Citations | AISI, American Iron and Steel Institute, B. Klein, Great Designs in Steel, K. Khang, S. Crichley | citations | aisi american-iron-and-steel-institute b-klein great-designs-in-steel k-khang s-crichley |
G-1 | Citations | B. Gerhards, O. Engels, S. Olschok, U. Reisgen | citations | b-gerhards o-engels s-olschok u-reisgen |
L-54 | Citations | J.K. Larsson | citations | j-k-larsson |
N-6 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), J. Nilsson | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi j-nilsson |
N-4 | Citations | M. Fermer, P. Nyström | citations | m-fermer p-nystrom |
A-73 | Citations | A. Nakashima, T. Ayabe, T. Ueda | citations | a-nakashima t-ayabe t-ueda |
F-1 | Citations | A. Foster, D. Shouler | citations | a-foster d-shouler |
K-8 | Citations | M. Küpper, U. Salle, W. Lieven | citations | m-kupper u-salle w-lieven |
Z-13 | Citations | H. S. Zheng | citations | h-s-zheng |
L-53 | Citations | E. Asbjörnsson, H. Andersson, J. Lundgren, J.K. Larsson | citations | e-asbjornsson h-andersson j-lundgren j-k-larsson |
A-19 | Citations | A. Zakaria, M. A. Ahmad | citations | a-zakaria m-a-ahmad |
S-108 | Citations | M. Sonntag | citations | m-sonntag |
Z-12 | Citations | C. Wang, C. Zhao, G. Zheng, H. Liu, P. Hu, X. Zhang, X. Zhu, Y. Gai, Y. Zhou, Z. Hang, Z.-D. Ma | citations | c-wang c-zhao g-zheng h-liu p-hu x-zhang x-zhu y-gai y-zhou z-hang z-d-ma |
W-8 | Citations | A. Goel, F. Yang, J. Wang, J.-T. Gau | citations | a-goel f-yang j-wang j-t-gau |
T-42 | Coatings | A. Torelli, M. Tagliani | coatings | a-torelli m-tagliani |
L-52 | Citations | C. Lei, D. Shan, W. Xu, Z. Hong, Z. Xing | citations | c-lei d-shan w-xu z-hong z-xing |
N-3 | Citations | M. Neyer | citations | m-neyer |
U-12 | Citations | C. Beku, K. Uejima, T. Onoe | citations | c-beku k-uejima t-onoe |
M-7 | Citations | M. Nakamura, T. Marukawa, Y. Shoji | citations | m-nakamura t-marukawa y-shoji |
S-107 | Citations | N. Jiří, P. Šimon | citations | n-jiri p-simon |
P-1 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), M. Pfestorf | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi m-pfestorf |
T-4 | Citations | K.-i. Mori, L. Tajul, T. Kinoshita, T. Maeno | citations | k-i-mori l-tajul t-kinoshita t-maeno |
H-8 | Citations | A. Meyer, C. Abratis, G. Hirt, J. Ames | citations | a-meyer c-abratis g-hirt j-ames |
Q-7 | Citations | O. Träbing, R. Quick | citations | o-trabing r-quick |
H-7 | Citations | C.D. Horvath, R. Sanders, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers | citations | c-d-horvath r-sanders sae society-of-automotive-engineers |
R-26 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), J. Riggsby | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi j-riggsby |
H-4 | Citations | Hyundai Motor Company | citations | hyundai-motor-company |
W-6 | Citations | A. Weiand | citations | a-weiand |
T-1 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), G. Tandon, I. Viaux | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi g-tandon i-viaux |
L-51 | Citations | LWF, University of Paderborn | citations | lwf university-of-paderborn |
W-7 | Citations | FSV, FutureSteelVehicle, WorldAutoSteel | citations | fsv futuresteelvehicle worldautosteel |
Steel Structures for Autonomous Vehicles | Blog, homepage-featured-top, main-blog | 3rd Gen Steel, Level 5 autonomy, MaaS, mobility as a service, press hardened steel, Ricardo, steel e-motive | blog homepage-featured-top main-blog | 3rd-gen-steel level-5-autonomy maas mobility-as-a-service press-hardened-steel ricardo steel-e-motive |
LME Simulation During RSW | Blog, RSW Modelling and Performance | Biegler, liquid metal embrittlement, liquified zinc coating, LME Simulation, LME Simulation during RSW, modelling, resistance spot welding, RSW, RSW modeling, RSW modelling, RSW Process Simulation, simulation, Simulation results with microstructures | blog rsw-modelling-and-performance resistance-spot-welding resistance-welding-processes joining | biegler liquid-metal-embrittlement liquified-zinc-coating lme-simulation lme-simulation-during-rsw modelling resistance-spot-welding rsw rsw-modeling rsw-modelling rsw-process-simulation simulation simulation-results-with-microstructures |
Modelling RSW of AHSS | Blog, main-blog, RSW Modelling and Performance | Fraunhofer Institute, IPK, liquid metal embrittlement, modelling, modelling RSW, resistance spot welding, RSW modelling, RSW Process Simulation, simulation, Simulation results with microstructures | blog main-blog rsw-modelling-and-performance resistance-spot-welding resistance-welding-processes joining | fraunhofer-institute ipk liquid-metal-embrittlement modelling modelling-rsw resistance-spot-welding rsw-modelling rsw-process-simulation simulation simulation-results-with-microstructures |
RSW Failure Prediction | RSW Modelling and Performance | failure prediction, modelling, POSCO, resistance spot welding, RSW, RSW modelling, RSW Process Simulation, simulation, Simulation results with microstructures, spot welding, wung model | rsw-modelling-and-performance resistance-spot-welding resistance-welding-processes joining | failure-prediction modelling posco resistance-spot-welding rsw rsw-modelling rsw-process-simulation simulation simulation-results-with-microstructures spot-welding wung-model |
L-50 | Citations | LS-Dyna, Toyota | citations | ls-dyna toyota |
S-106 | Citations | A. Haufe, B. Keding, F. Seeger, M. Feucht, Research Gate, Th. Frank | citations | a-haufe b-keding f-seeger m-feucht research-gate th-frank |
W-38 | Citations | P. Wung | citations | p-wung |
L-49 | Citations | E. Pakalnins, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, M. Lu, T. Morrissett, T. Wehner, Y. Lee | citations | e-pakalnins journal-of-testing-and-evaluation m-lu t-morrissett t-wehner y-lee |
L-48 | Citations | J. H. Lim, J.W. Ha, POSCO | citations | j-h-lim j-w-ha posco |
U-1 | Citations | JFE Steel, T. Urabe | citations | jfe-steel t-urabe |
H-2 | Citations | Administrative Science Quarterly, Kim B. Clark, Rebecca M. Henderson | citations | administrative-science-quarterly kim-b-clark rebecca-m-henderson |
B-63 | Citations | P. Brettnacher | citations | p-brettnacher |
A-17 | Citations | ArcelorMittal | citations | arcelormittal |
M-4 | Citations | A. Mertens | citations | a-mertens |
B-62 | Citations | D. Sarnowski, P. Belliard | citations | d-sarnowski p-belliard |
L-8 | Citations | H. Ljungqvist, K. Amundsson, O. Lindblad, Volvo | citations | h-ljungqvist k-amundsson o-lindblad volvo |
S-13 | Citations | K. Steinhoff | citations | k-steinhoff |
W-5 | Citations | H. D. Wilde, M. Wunsch | citations | h-d-wilde m-wunsch |
M-2 | Citations | A. Sommer, D. Hartmann, G. Brugger, M. Rosner, R. Kelsch, T. Kurz, T. Manzenreiter | citations | a-sommer d-hartmann g-brugger m-rosner r-kelsch t-kurz t-manzenreiter |
W-3 | Citations | D. Wenk | citations | d-wenk |
A-8 | Citations | ArcelorMittal | citations | arcelormittal |
L-5 | Citations | D. Dolzer, J. Freudenthaler, M. Kerschbaum, P. Larour | citations | d-dolzer j-freudenthaler m-kerschbaum p-larour |
A-7 | Citations | F. Abu-Farha | citations | f-abu-farha |
B-61 | Citations | E. Billur, Metalforming Magazine, Precision Metal Forming | citations | e-billur metalforming-magazine precision-metal-forming |
Forming and Formability of AHSS | Forming | AHSS, closed end, Coil Processing, die development, Draw Bead Design, Edge Cracking, edge cracks, edge splits, embossments, Flange Design, formability, forming, Gainers, metal depressions, metal gainers, microstructure, open end, part design, process design, steel grades, Stretch Flanging, tool design, Tooling, Trim and Pierce Tool Design, wavy metal, wrinkles | forming | ahss closed-end coil-processing die-development draw-bead-design edge-cracking edge-cracks edge-splits embossments flange-design formability forming gainers metal-depressions metal-gainers microstructure open-end part-design process-design steel-grades stretch-flanging tool-design tooling trim-and-pierce-tool-design wavy-metal wrinkles |
Microstructural Effects of Adding Colloidal Graphite to Al-Si-Coated PHS | Joining, Laser Welding | advanced high-strength steel, Al-Si coated 22MnB5 press-hardened steel, Austenite stabilization, Colloidal graphite coating, Ferrite suppression, fiber laser welding, In-situ ablation, martensite, Phase transformation, PHS, press hardened steel | joining laser-welding | advanced-high-strength-steel al-si-coated-22mnb5-press-hardened-steel austenite-stabilization colloidal-graphite-coating ferrite-suppression fiber-laser-welding in-situ-ablation martensite phase-transformation phs press-hardened-steel |
K-51 | Citations | A. Macwan, E. Biro, M. H. Razmpoosh, M. Shehryar Khan, Y. Zhou | citations | a-macwan e-biro m-h-razmpoosh m-shehryar-khan y-zhou |
Formation mechanism of LME in laser lap welding of zinc-coated 3rd Gen steels | Joining, Laser Welding | Fe–Zn phases, Laser lap welding, liquid metal embrittlement, LME, stress, Weld profile | joining laser-welding | fe-zn-phases laser-lap-welding liquid-metal-embrittlement lme stress weld-profile |
Z-11 | Citations | Blair E. Carlson, Fenggui Lu, Hui-Ping Wang, Yaqi Wang, Yu Hao, Yuanjing Zhu | citations | blair-e-carlson fenggui-lu hui-ping-wang yaqi-wang yu-hao yuanjing-zhu |
Effect of GA Coating Weight on PHS | Joining, Laser Welding, Press Hardened Steels | coating weight, fiber laser welding, galvaneal coating, laser welding, PHS, press hardened steel, zinc coating | joining laser-welding press-hardened-steels forming | coating-weight fiber-laser-welding galvaneal-coating laser-welding phs press-hardened-steel zinc-coating |
R-25 | Citations | A. Macwan, E. Biro, M. H. Razmpoosh, Science Direct, Y. Zhou | citations | a-macwan e-biro m-h-razmpoosh science-direct y-zhou |
S-10 | Citations | SSAB | citations | ssab |
U-3 | Citations | K. Unruh, M. Heuse | citations | k-unruh m-heuse |
S-8 | Citations | A. Yoshitake, K. Sato, S. D. Liu, T. Inazumi | citations | a-yoshitake k-sato s-d-liu t-inazumi |
W-2 | Citations | IDDRG, P. Sartkulvanich, R. Wiedenmann, T. Altan | citations | iddrg p-sartkulvanich r-wiedenmann t-altan |
Microstructural Evolution and Effect on Joint Strength in Laser Welding of DP to Aluminium | Joining Dissimilar Materials, Laser Welding | HAZ microstructure, joint strength, laser welding, microstructural evolution | joining-dissimilar-materials laser-welding joining | haz-microstructure joint-strength laser-welding microstructural-evolution |
I-1 | Citations | L. Vijayaraghavan, ndhu, S. Soundarapandian, T. Manish | citations | l-vijayaraghavan ndhu s-soundarapandian t-manish |
Microstructure and Softening QP1180 Lap Joints Welded with CMT | Arc Welding, Joining | arc welding, lap joint welds, lap joints, qp1180, softening | arc-welding joining | arc-welding lap-joint-welds lap-joints qp1180 softening |
W-1 | Citations | C. Yao, H. Pan, J. Huang, Science Direct, X. Wang, Y. Wu | citations | c-yao h-pan j-huang science-direct x-wang y-wu |
Role of Coatings in the Formation of Defects in AHSS Welds | Arc Welding, Joining | CMT, coatings, GMAW, porosity, welds, Zinc | arc-welding joining | cmt coatings gmaw porosity welds zinc |
Stretching | Forming Modes | Deformation, Dome Testing, LDH, Limiting Dome Height, Stretchability, Stretching | forming-modes forming | deformation dome-testing ldh limiting-dome-height stretchability stretching |
B-5 | Citations | E. Billur | citations | e-billur |
A-5 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Auto/Steel Partnership | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi auto-steel-partnership |
A-1 | Citations | E. O. Arman, T. Hebesberger | citations | e-o-arman t-hebesberger |
V-2 | Citations | Materials Today Proceedings, S. P. Murugan, V. Vijayan Md. R. Ul Ahsan, Y. Park | citations | materials-today-proceedings s-p-murugan v-vijayan-md-r-ul-ahsan y-park |
HAZ Properties of GMAW DP 600 | Arc Welding, Joining | Characterization, GMAW, macro properties, micro properties, modeling | arc-welding joining | characterization gmaw macro-properties micro-properties modeling |
R-24 | Citations | A. Abdurakhmanov, A. Ramazani, K. Mukherjee, M. Schleser, Materials Science and Engineering, U. Prahl, U. Reisgen, W. Bleck | citations | a-abdurakhmanov a-ramazani k-mukherjee m-schleser materials-science-and-engineering u-prahl u-reisgen w-bleck |
Press Tonnage Predictions | Press Requirements | Michael D. Davenport, off-center loading, Prediction, Press, press energy, press force, press tonnage | press-requirements forming | michael-d-davenport off-center-loading prediction press press-energy press-force press-tonnage |
Structural Performance | structural performance | crash safety, fatigue response, structural designs, structural performance | structural-performance forming | crash-safety fatigue-response structural-designs structural-performance |
K-7 | Citations | N. Kardes Sever, Ohio State University | citations | n-kardes-sever ohio-state-university |
S-7 | Citations | SAE, SAE International, Society of Automotive Engineers Standards | citations | sae sae-international society-of-automotive-engineers-standards |
Tooling and Die Wear | Tooling | abrasive wear, adhesive wear, burr height, chipping, clearance, coatings, die wear, galling, hardening, lubrication, surface treatments, tool cracking, Tooling | tooling forming | abrasive-wear adhesive-wear burr-height chipping clearance coatings die-wear galling hardening lubrication surface-treatments tool-cracking tooling |
Hydroforming | Hydroforming | Chrysler Pacifica, Ford Mustang, Hydroform, Jeep Wrangler, Nissan Titan, Tube, tube hydroforming | hydroforming forming | chrysler-pacifica ford-mustang hydroform jeep-wrangler nissan-titan tube tube-hydroforming |
Industry 4.0 and AHSS Applications | Industry 4.0 and AHSS Applications | 3MA, artificial intelligence, closed-loop control, control algorithms, digital twin, draw-in, eddy current, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, IoT, machine learning, machine vision, NDE, Non-destructive evaluations, process control, sensors | industry-4-0-and-ahss-applications forming | 3ma artificial-intelligence closed-loop-control control-algorithms digital-twin draw-in eddy-current industry-4-0 internet-of-things iot machine-learning machine-vision nde non-destructive-evaluations process-control sensors |
S-6 | Citations | SSAB | citations | ssab |
S-105 | Citations | SSAB | citations | ssab |
L-47 | Citations | H.Y Lee, J. Nam, J.Y. Park | citations | h-y-lee j-nam j-y-park |
K-50 | Citations | Jaehyun Kim, POSCO | citations | jaehyun-kim posco |
K-49 | Citations | D.N. Kim, D.Y. Seok, H. Lee, J. Kim, K. Oh, S. Park, Science Direct, Y. Kang | citations | d-n-kim d-y-seok h-lee j-kim k-oh s-park science-direct y-kang |
K-48 | Citations | D.N. Kim, J. Kim, Multiscale Science and Engineering | citations | d-n-kim j-kim multiscale-science-and-engineering |
S-104 | Citations | Shape Corp, Swedish Steel Prize | citations | shape-corp swedish-steel-prize |
Coil Processing: Straightening and Leveling | Coil Processing | Coil Processing, Leveling, Straightening | coil-processing forming | coil-processing leveling straightening |
M-58 | Citations | Materials Science and Technology | citations | materials-science-and-technology |
Z-10 | Citations | L. Qiu, L. Zuo, X. Sun, X. Zhao, Y. Shen | citations | l-qiu l-zuo x-sun x-zhao y-shen |
K-47 | Citations | C. Béal, C. Sommitsch, D. Krizan, R. Schneider, S. Kaar | citations | c-beal c-sommitsch d-krizan r-schneider s-kaar |
G-47 | Citations | A. Glover, B. Clausen, C. Liu, D.W. Brown, E. De Moor, J.G. Speer, P.J. Gibbs | citations | a-glover b-clausen c-liu d-w-brown e-de-moor j-g-speer p-j-gibbs |
S-103 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, E. J. Seo, L. Cho | citations | b-c-de-cooman e-j-seo l-cho |
W-37 | Citations | J. Bian, J. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Ye | citations | j-bian j-wang l-wang y-ye |
F-37 | Citations | FCA, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles | citations | fca fiat-chrysler-automobiles |
S-102 | Citations | L. Specker | citations | l-specker |
H-60 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), C.D. Horvath, C.M. Enloe, GDIS, Great Designs in Steel | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi c-d-horvath c-m-enloe gdis great-designs-in-steel |
G-46 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Great Designs in Steel, H. Ghassemi-Armaki, Q. Khan, S.A. Varanasi | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi great-designs-in-steel h-ghassemi-armaki q-khan s-a-varanasi |
C-34 | Citations | C. Lian, C. Niu, J. Lin, X. Chen | citations | c-lian c-niu j-lin x-chen |
K-46 | Citations | B. Rolfe, H. Beladi, H. Kong, Q. Chao | citations | b-rolfe h-beladi h-kong q-chao |
X-1 | Citations | B. Zhu, H. Du, L. Wang, W. Ding, X. Jin, Y. Gong, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang | citations | b-zhu h-du l-wang w-ding x-jin y-gong y-xu y-zhang |
A-72 | Citations | A.E. Marquez-Rossy, A.P. Tschiptschin, A.S. Nishikawa, D.H. Mesa, E.A. Ariza-Echeverri, M. Masoumi | citations | a-e-marquez-rossy a-p-tschiptschin a-s-nishikawa d-h-mesa e-a-ariza-echeverri m-masoumi |
A-71 | Citations | A.P. Tschiptschin, E.A. Ariza-Echeverri, M. Masoumi | citations | a-p-tschiptschin e-a-ariza-echeverri m-masoumi |
S-101 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, E. Seo | citations | b-c-de-cooman e-seo |
M-57 | Citations | B. D. Cooman, J. Mola | citations | b-d-cooman j-mola |
M-56 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, J. Mola | citations | b-c-de-cooman j-mola |
G-45 | Citations | B. Bai, G. Gao, H. Guo, R.D.K. Misra, X. Gui | citations | b-bai g-gao h-guo r-d-k-misra x-gui |
W-36 | Citations | M.X. Huang, Z. Wang, Z.C. Luo | citations | m-x-huang z-wang z-c-luo |
W-35 | Citations | J.G. Speer, L. Wang | citations | j-g-speer l-wang |
D-32 | Citations | D.K. Matlock, E. De Moor, J.-H. Kwak, J.G. Speer, S.B. Lee | citations | d-k-matlock e-de-moor j-h-kwak j-g-speer s-b-lee |
S-100 | Citations | J.-H. Schmitt, T. Iung | citations | j-h-schmitt t-iung |
S-99 | Citations | D.K. Matlock, D.V. Edmonds, J.G. Speer. F.C. Rizzo Assunção | citations | d-k-matlock d-v-edmonds j-g-speer-f-c-rizzo-assuncao |
S-98 | Citations | A.M. Streicher, AIST, B. C. De Cooman, D.K. Matlock, J.G. Speer | citations | a-m-streicher aist b-c-de-cooman d-k-matlock j-g-speer |
S-97 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, D.K. Matlock, J. Speer, J.G. Schroth | citations | b-c-de-cooman d-k-matlock j-speer j-g-schroth |
M-55 | Citations | Kobe Steel, Y. Mukai | citations | kobe-steel y-mukai |
G-44 | Citations | E. Mugarra, E. Saenz de Argandoña, I. Gil, J. Mendiguren, L. Galdos, U. Ulibarri | citations | e-mugarra e-saenz-de-argandona i-gil j-mendiguren l-galdos u-ulibarri |
F-36 | Citations | E. Fukuhara | citations | e-fukuhara |
M-54 | Citations | Kobe Steel, S. Hamamoto, T. Kimura, T. Murata, T. Yamano, Y Futamura, Y. Utsumi | citations | kobe-steel s-hamamoto t-kimura t-murata t-yamano y-futamura y-utsumi |
C-33 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), D. Coakley, J. Zischke | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi d-coakley j-zischke |
C-32 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), D. Coakley | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi d-coakley |
Mechanical Properties | Mechanical Properties | AHSS, Elongation, longitudinal direction, Mechanical tensile properties testing, rolling direction, steel mechanical properties, strength, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, transverse direction | mechanical-properties forming | ahss elongation longitudinal-direction mechanical-tensile-properties-testing rolling-direction steel-mechanical-properties strength stress-strain-curve tensile-testing transverse-direction |
Shear Fracture | Formability | Local Formability, Shear Fracture | formability forming | local-formability shear-fracture |
K-44 | Citations | K. Ishiuchi, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers, T. Kondo | citations | k-ishiuchi sae society-of-automotive-engineers t-kondo |
B-59 | Citations | C. Sasse, F. Brühl, W. Bleck, Y. Ma | citations | c-sasse f-bruhl w-bleck y-ma |
K-43 | Citations | A. De Boeck, ArcelorMittal, B. Caekaert, C. Bollaert, J Gijs, K. Kahoul, M. Hamman | citations | a-de-boeck arcelormittal b-caekaert c-bollaert j-gijs k-kahoul m-hamman |
T-41 | Citations | H. Beladi, I. Timokhina, P.D. Hodgson, X.-Y. Xiong | citations | h-beladi i-timokhina p-d-hodgson x-y-xiong |
H-59 | Citations | E. Akiyama, H. Waki, R. Kikuchi, R. Okuma, T. Hojo, Y. Ukai | citations | e-akiyama h-waki r-kikuchi r-okuma t-hojo y-ukai |
B-58 | Citations | A. Bachmaier, A. Pichler, D. Krizan, K. Hausmann | citations | a-bachmaier a-pichler d-krizan k-hausmann |
R-23 | Citations | J. Rehrl, S. Heibel | citations | j-rehrl s-heibel |
Twinning Induced Plasticity | 2ndGen AHSS, AHSS, Steel Grades | 2nd Gen, AHSS, dynamic strain aging, Fe-Mn, manganese, microstructure, PLC effect, Portevin-LeChatelier effect, Strain rate sensitivity, stretch formability, Twinning Induced Plasticity, TWIP, TWIP4EU | 2ndgen-ahss ahss steel-grades metallurgy | 2nd-gen ahss dynamic-strain-aging fe-mn manganese microstructure plc-effect portevin-lechatelier-effect strain-rate-sensitivity stretch-formability twinning-induced-plasticity twip twip4eu |
Bending | Forming Modes | Bend radius, Bending, Edge Stretching, rotary bending, springback | forming-modes forming | bend-radius bending edge-stretching rotary-bending springback |
A-70 | Citations | E. Arenholz | citations | e-arenholz |
C-31 | Citations | C. Garcia-Mateo, F.G. Caballero, J. Cornide, J. D. Puerta Velasquez, M.K. Miller, S. Allain | citations | c-garcia-mateo f-g-caballero j-cornide j-d-puerta-velasquez m-k-miller s-allain |
A-69 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi |
Simulation Overview | Simulation | computerized die tryout, computerized forming process development, correcting springback, simulation, virtual forming, virtual press shop | simulation forming | computerized-die-tryout computerized-forming-process-development correcting-springback simulation virtual-forming virtual-press-shop |
Fatigue | structural performance | crash management, cyclic fatigue, fatigue limits, fatique, strains, stress | structural-performance forming | crash-management cyclic-fatigue fatigue-limits fatique strains stress |
Shear Affected Zone | Cutting, Cutting-Blanking-Shearing-Trimming | blanking, damage, Edge Stretching, hole expansion, SAZ, Shear Affected Zone, shear face, shearing | cutting cutting-blanking-shearing-trimming forming | blanking damage edge-stretching hole-expansion saz shear-affected-zone shear-face shearing |
I-23 | Citations | Infiniti | citations | infiniti |
I-22 | Citations | Infiniti | citations | infiniti |
S-96 | Citations | D. Raabe, J. von Appen, P. Choi, R. Dronskowski, W. Bleck, W. Song | citations | d-raabe j-von-appen p-choi r-dronskowski w-bleck w-song |
R-22 | Citations | A. Di Schino, C. Föjer, D. De Knijf, G. Xu, I. Diego de Calderon, I. Sabirov, J. M. Cabrera, J. Molina, J. Siestma, J. Van Poucke, L. Kestens, M.J. Santofimia, P. Mecozzi, P. Rodriguez-Calvillo, R. G. Thiessen, R. Petrov, Y. Cui | citations | a-di-schino c-fojer d-de-knijf g-xu i-diego-de-calderon i-sabirov j-m-cabrera j-molina j-siestma j-van-poucke l-kestens m-j-santofimia p-mecozzi p-rodriguez-calvillo r-g-thiessen r-petrov y-cui |
S-95 | Citations | A. Basudhar, H. Singh, L. Hector, M. Paramasuwom, N. Stander, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers, U. Basu, V. Savic | citations | a-basudhar h-singh l-hector m-paramasuwom n-stander sae society-of-automotive-engineers u-basu v-savic |
U-11 | Citations | U.S. Department of Energy, United States Automotive Materials Partnership LLC (USAMP) | citations | u-s-department-of-energy united-states-automotive-materials-partnership-llc-usamp |
Non-Linear Strain Paths (Stress-Based FLCs) | FLC and FLD | FLC, FLSC, Forming Limit Curve, Non-linear Strain Paths, SFLC, Stress Based Forming Limit Curve | flc-and-fld forming | flc flsc forming-limit-curve non-linear-strain-paths sflc stress-based-forming-limit-curve |
Drawing | Forming Modes | Cup drawing, deep drawing, Drawing, LDR, Limiting Draw Ratio | forming-modes forming | cup-drawing deep-drawing drawing ldr limiting-draw-ratio |
Coating Friction | Coatings | bending under tension test, BUT, DBS, delta phase, draw bead test, EG, EGA, electrogalvanized, Friction, friction coefficient, GA, galvanize, galvanneal, gamma phase, GI, HDGA, HDGI, hot dip galvanize, hot dip galvanneal, lubricant, SFS, stretch form simulator test, surface, surface friction, Zinc-Magnesium, ZM, Zn-Fe | coatings | bending-under-tension-test but dbs delta-phase draw-bead-test eg ega electrogalvanized friction friction-coefficient ga galvanize galvanneal gamma-phase gi hdga hdgi hot-dip-galvanize hot-dip-galvanneal lubricant sfs stretch-form-simulator-test surface surface-friction zinc-magnesium zm zn-fe |
Engineering Stress-Strain vs. True Stress-Strain | Formability | Engineering Stress-Strain Curve, Strain, stress, True Stress-Strain Curve | formability forming | engineering-stress-strain-curve strain stress true-stress-strain-curve |
S-94 | Citations | SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers Standards | citations | sae society-of-automotive-engineers-standards |
Global vs Local Formability | Formability | Bend, Edge, Elongation, Global Formability, Local Formability | formability forming | bend edge elongation global-formability local-formability |
Delayed Cracking (Hydrogen Embrittlement) | Testing and Characterization | Delayed cracking, embrittlement, hydrogen embrittlement, SAE J3215 | testing-characterization-forming forming | delayed-cracking embrittlement hydrogen-embrittlement sae-j3215 |
Testing & Characterization | Testing and Characterization | Bend Testing, bulge testing, Characterization, Delayed cracking, Dome Testing, Friction Testing, Hole Expansion Testing, properties, tensile testing, Tensile Testing Friction Testing | testing-characterization-forming forming | bend-testing bulge-testing characterization delayed-cracking dome-testing friction-testing hole-expansion-testing properties tensile-testing tensile-testing-friction-testing |
Microstructural Components | Microstructural Components | Austenite, Bainite, cementite, Cold rolled, Fe3C, ferrite, hot rolled, martensite, micro, microstructural components, microstructure, Pearlite, Phase, Phase Diagram, retained, retained austenite | microstructural-components | austenite bainite cementite cold-rolled fe3c ferrite hot-rolled martensite micro microstructural-components microstructure pearlite phase phase-diagram retained retained-austenite |
PHS Automotive Applications and Usage | Press Hardened Steels | Applications, Boron Steel, Growth, Hot Stamping, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels, Press Quenched Steel, Usage | press-hardened-steels forming | applications boron-steel growth hot-stamping press-hardening press-hardening-steels press-quenched-steel usage |
R-Value | Mechanical Properties | deep drawing, Lankford coefficient, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical tensile properties testing, n-value, normal anisotropy ratio, planar anisotropy ratio, plastic anisotropy ratio, plastic strain ratio, R-Value, tensile testing | mechanical-properties forming | deep-drawing lankford-coefficient mechanical-properties mechanical-tensile-properties-testing n-value normal-anisotropy-ratio planar-anisotropy-ratio plastic-anisotropy-ratio plastic-strain-ratio r-value tensile-testing |
N-Value | Mechanical Properties | Engineering Stress-Strain Curve, FLD, Forming Limit Curve, Global Formability, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical tensile properties testing, n-value, necking, Strain Hardening Exponent, strength coefficient K, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, Work Hardening Exponent | mechanical-properties forming | engineering-stress-strain-curve fld forming-limit-curve global-formability mechanical-properties mechanical-tensile-properties-testing n-value necking strain-hardening-exponent strength-coefficient-k stress-strain-curve tensile-testing work-hardening-exponent |
Necking | Mechanical Properties | diffuse necking, Elongation, local necking, necking, uniform elongation | mechanical-properties forming | diffuse-necking elongation local-necking necking uniform-elongation |
Total Elongation | Mechanical Properties | ASTM E8, ASTM International, Elongation, elongation after fracture, Engineering Stress-Strain Curve, Fracture, ISO, ISO 6892-1, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical tensile properties testing, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, Total Elongation | mechanical-properties forming | astm-e8 astm-international elongation elongation-after-fracture engineering-stress-strain-curve fracture iso iso-6892-1 mechanical-properties mechanical-tensile-properties-testing stress-strain-curve tensile-testing total-elongation |
Yield Strength | Mechanical Properties | Lower Yield Strength, Lüders bands, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical tensile properties testing, springback, Stress-Strain Curve, tensile testing, Upper Yield Strength, yield point elongation, Yield Strength, Yield Stress, YPE, YS | mechanical-properties forming | lower-yield-strength luders-bands mechanical-properties mechanical-tensile-properties-testing springback stress-strain-curve tensile-testing upper-yield-strength yield-point-elongation yield-strength yield-stress ype ys |
Coatings | Coatings | aluminized, CAL, CGL, coatings, continuous annealing line, continuous galvanizing line, corrosion protection, delta phase, EG, electro, electrogalvanized, friction coefficient, GA, Galv, galvanize, galvanneal coating, gamma phase, GI, hot dip galvanize, hot dip galvanneal, powdering, Zinc-Magnesium, ZM | coatings | aluminized cal cgl coatings continuous-annealing-line continuous-galvanizing-line corrosion-protection delta-phase eg electro electrogalvanized friction-coefficient ga galv galvanize galvanneal-coating gamma-phase gi hot-dip-galvanize hot-dip-galvanneal powdering zinc-magnesium zm |
Forming Modes | Forming Modes | Bend, Bending, bulge testing, Dome Testing, Draw, Drawing, forming mode, Stretch, Stretching | forming-modes forming | bend bending bulge-testing dome-testing draw drawing forming-mode stretch stretching |
Tensile Strength | Mechanical Properties | engineering strain, engineering stress, Engineering Stress-Strain Curve, gauge length, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical tensile properties testing, neck, necking, strain hardening, Stress-Strain Curve, Tensile Strength, tensile testing, Total Elongation, TS, UE, Ultimate Tensile Strength, uniform elongation, UTS, work hardening | mechanical-properties forming | engineering-strain engineering-stress engineering-stress-strain-curve gauge-length mechanical-properties mechanical-tensile-properties-testing neck necking strain-hardening stress-strain-curve tensile-strength tensile-testing total-elongation ts ue ultimate-tensile-strength uniform-elongation uts work-hardening |
Tensile Testing | Testing and Characterization | dogbone, Elastic Modulus, n-value, Strain Hardening Exponent, Strain rate, Stress-Strain Curve, Tensile Strength, tensile testing, Total Elongation, uniform elongation, Yield Strength, Young’s Modulus | testing-characterization-forming forming | dogbone elastic-modulus n-value strain-hardening-exponent strain-rate stress-strain-curve tensile-strength tensile-testing total-elongation uniform-elongation yield-strength youngs-modulus |
Friction and Friction Testing | Friction, Testing and Characterization | bending under tension test, draw beat test, Friction, Friction Testing, stamping process, strip draw, twist compression test | friction testing-characterization-forming forming | bending-under-tension-test draw-beat-test friction friction-testing stamping-process strip-draw twist-compression-test |
PHS in Vehicles: An Abridged History | Blog, main-blog | automotive applications, E. Billur, electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, history, PHS, press hardened steel | blog main-blog | automotive-applications e-billur electric-vehicles fuel-cell-vehicles history phs press-hardened-steel |
B-57 | Citations | D.W. Suh, F. Barlat, H.-H. Bok, J.W. Choi, M.G. Lee | citations | d-w-suh f-barlat h-h-bok j-w-choi m-g-lee |
S-93 | Citations | A. B. Shapiro, LS-Dyna | citations | a-b-shapiro ls-dyna |
S-92 | Citations | D.Y. Shi, J.D. Lu, L. Ying, P. Hu, W.Q. Liu, X. Zhao | citations | d-y-shi j-d-lu l-ying p-hu w-q-liu x-zhao |
S-91 | Citations | H.G. Kim, H.S. Son, Y. R. Cho | citations | h-g-kim h-s-son y-r-cho |
I-20 | Citations | Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech, IT Engineering, Korea Aerospace University | citations | georgia-institute-of-technology georgia-tech it-engineering korea-aerospace-university |
H-58 | Citations | A. Butz, A. Erhart, A. Haufe, D. Croizet, European Commission, J. Hagstrom, M. Biasutti, M. Kampczyk, M. Schneider, M. Zapara, N. Stenberg | citations | a-butz a-erhart a-haufe d-croizet european-commission j-hagstrom m-biasutti m-kampczyk m-schneider m-zapara n-stenberg |
R-21 | Citations | Renault | citations | renault |
D-31 | Citations | F. D'Aiuto | citations | f-daiuto |
N-24 | Citations | Jae-Bok Nam | citations | jae-bok-nam |
C-30 | Citations | A. Hildenbrand, D. Cornette, H. Hofmann, M. Bouzekri, P. Cugy, S. Göklü | citations | a-hildenbrand d-cornette h-hofmann m-bouzekri p-cugy s-goklu |
D-30 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, K.-G. Chin, O. Kwon | citations | b-c-de-cooman k-g-chin o-kwon |
K-42 | Citations | G. Kim, K.-G. Chin, S.K. Kim | citations | g-kim k-g-chin s-k-kim |
D-29 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, S.K. Kim, Y. Estrin | citations | b-c-de-cooman s-k-kim y-estrin |
E-11 | Citations | K. Enos | citations | k-enos |
PHS Simulation | Press Hardened Steels | forming simulation, PHS, Press Hardening, Press Hardening Steels | press-hardened-steels forming | forming-simulation phs press-hardening press-hardening-steels |
C-29 | Citations | D. Close | citations | d-close |
H-57 | Citations | C. Hoch-Baumann, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG | citations | c-hoch-baumann thyssenkrupp-steel-europe-ag |
S-90 | Citations | T. Senuma | citations | t-senuma |
L-46 | Citations | L. Kong, M. Wang, Z. Ling | citations | l-kong m-wang z-ling |
C-28 | Citations | B. C. D. Cooman, C. Lee, H. Kang, L. Cho | citations | b-c-d-cooman c-lee h-kang l-cho |
S-89 | Citations | J. Hoffman, P. Šimon | citations | j-hoffman p-simon |
S-88 | Citations | J. Schramm | citations | j-schramm |
E-10 | Citations | Deutsches Institut fur Normung E.V. (DIN) Euronorm (EN), European Standard | citations | deutsches-institut-fur-normung-e-v-din-euronorm-en european-standard |
G-43 | Citations | C. Georges, J.-M. Mataigne, P. Drillet, T. Sturel | citations | c-georges j-m-mataigne p-drillet t-sturel |
K-41 | Citations | C. Koroschetz | citations | c-koroschetz |
T-40 | Citations | K. Teshima | citations | k-teshima |
W-34 | Citations | A. Röttger, M. Windmann, W. Theisen | citations | a-rottger m-windmann w-theisen |
V-21 | Citations | Volkswagen A. G | citations | volkswagen-a-g |
G-42 | Citations | E. Danger, E. Rodriguez, E. Seidl, F. Natrup, M. Pohl, M. Saupe, W. Graf | citations | e-danger e-rodriguez e-seidl f-natrup m-pohl m-saupe w-graf |
J-21 | Citations | B. C. D. Cooman, D. H. Sulistiyo, E. J. Seo, K. R. Jo, L. Cho, S. W. Kim | citations | b-c-d-cooman d-h-sulistiyo e-j-seo k-r-jo l-cho s-w-kim |
C-27 | Citations | B. C. D. Cooman, D. H. Sulistiyo, E. J. Seo, J.-K. Oh, K. R. Jo, L. Cho, S. W. Kim, Y. R. Cho | citations | b-c-d-cooman d-h-sulistiyo e-j-seo j-k-oh k-r-jo l-cho s-w-kim y-r-cho |
B-56 | Citations | J. Banik, J. Mura, M. Köyer | citations | j-banik j-mura m-koyer |
B-55 | Citations | E. Billur | citations | e-billur |
C-26 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, W. S. Choi | citations | b-c-de-cooman w-s-choi |
S-87 | Citations | G. E. Totten | citations | g-e-totten |
A-68 | Citations | D. Li, H. Chen, J. An | citations | d-li h-chen j-an |
F-35 | Citations | F. J. Ebner, T. Fuchs | citations | f-j-ebner t-fuchs |
M-53 | Citations | K.-i. Mori, T. Fujita, T. Maeno, T. Ogihara | citations | k-i-mori t-fujita t-maeno t-ogihara |
G-41 | Citations | H. Guyon | citations | h-guyon |
F-34 | Citations | G. Frenzer | citations | g-frenzer |
F-33 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman, D. W. Fan, H.S. Kim, J.-K. Oh, K.-G. Chin | citations | b-c-de-cooman d-w-fan h-s-kim j-k-oh k-g-chin |
V-20 | Citations | erWin, Volkswagen AG | citations | erwin volkswagen-ag |
N-23 | Citations | A. B, Norrbottens Järnverk | citations | a-b norrbottens-jarnverk |
R-20 | Citations | Rivian Automotive LLC | citations | rivian-automotive-llc |
B-54 | Citations | L. Brooke | citations | l-brooke |
M-52 | Citations | Mercedes-Benz | citations | mercedes-benz |
H-56 | Citations | Ford, Ford Motor Company, J. Huetter | citations | ford ford-motor-company j-huetter |
H-55 | Citations | Accra, Linde+Wiemann, S. Hortlund | citations | accra lindewiemann s-hortlund |
B-53 | Citations | H. Carlsson, M. Weiman, Y. Bergengren | citations | h-carlsson m-weiman y-bergengren |
H-54 | Citations | J. Huetter, Toyota | citations | j-huetter toyota |
M-51 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), W. Malone | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi w-malone |
M-50 | Citations | Accra Process, Multimatic | citations | accra-process multimatic |
I-19 | Citations | IIHS, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety | citations | iihs insurance-institute-for-highway-safety |
K-40 | Citations | D. Wagner, M. Keller | citations | d-wagner m-keller |
M-49 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), S. Morgans | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi s-morgans |
B-52 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), S. Behm | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi s-behm |
V-19 | Citations | erWin, Volkswagen AG | citations | erwin volkswagen-ag |
C-25 | Citations | Ö. M. Çeteci | citations | o-m-ceteci |
G-40 | Citations | E. Güraslan | citations | e-guraslan |
B-51 | Citations | E. Yilmazer, G. Dogan, J. Büchner | citations | e-yilmazer g-dogan j-buchner |
H-53 | Citations | Hyundai Motor Company | citations | hyundai-motor-company |
K-39 | Citations | K. Kimura, K. Shimizu, T. Kawasaki, T. Ohmura, Y. Atsumi | citations | k-kimura k-shimizu t-kawasaki t-ohmura y-atsumi |
T-39 | Citations | Toyota | citations | toyota |
T-38 | Citations | Thatcham Research, Toyota | citations | thatcham-research toyota |
V-18 | Citations | Green Car Reports, Honda., J. Voelcker | citations | green-car-reports honda j-voelcker |
H-52 | Citations | Hyundai Motor Group | citations | hyundai-motor-group |
M-48 | Citations | China News | citations | china-news |
N-22 | Citations | J. Ruda, S. Nedic, Z. Putten | citations | j-ruda s-nedic z-putten |
S-86 | Citations | SAE-China, Society of Automotive Engineers | citations | sae-china society-of-automotive-engineers |
E-9 | Citations | B. Hans, M. Brüderle, S. Enderle | citations | b-hans m-bruderle s-enderle |
S-85 | Citations | B. Kuenkler, J. Siegmann | citations | b-kuenkler j-siegmann |
T-37 | Citations | E. Talmant, J. M. Demaldent, Renault | citations | e-talmant j-m-demaldent renault |
T-36 | Citations | Y. Takeshi, Y. Terashima | citations | y-takeshi y-terashima |
H-51 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), GDIS, Great Designs in Steel, I. Han | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi gdis great-designs-in-steel i-han |
P-29 | Citations | A. DeZess, W. Parsons | citations | a-dezess w-parsons |
T-35 | Citations | Tesla | citations | tesla |
K-38 | Citations | N. Koreishi, T. Hioki | citations | n-koreishi t-hioki |
U-10 | Citations | Toyota | citations | toyota |
M-47 | Citations | N. Matsuyama, S. Morimatsu | citations | n-matsuyama s-morimatsu |
D-28 | Citations | J. Truskin, L. Decker | citations | j-truskin l-decker |
M-46 | Citations | J. Riggsby, R. Zum Mallen | citations | j-riggsby r-zum-mallen |
A-67 | Citations | Altair Engineering | citations | altair-engineering |
R-19 | Citations | B. Ramirez | citations | b-ramirez |
N-21 | Citations | E. Hollander, H. Ljungquist, S. Nedic | citations | e-hollander h-ljungquist s-nedic |
T-34 | Citations | M. Steinrücken, S. Thiele | citations | m-steinrucken s-thiele |
P-28 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), J. Rensburg, M. Pfestorf | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi j-rensburg m-pfestorf |
K-37 | Citations | A. Kröning | citations | a-kroning |
H-50 | Citations | D. Holzkamp | citations | d-holzkamp |
L-45 | Citations | D. Ludlow | citations | d-ludlow |
P-27 | Citations | G. Philip, G. Plassart | citations | g-philip g-plassart |
S-84 | Citations | J. Staeves | citations | j-staeves |
S-83 | Citations | J. Staeves | citations | j-staeves |
C-24 | Citations | A. Reynaert, D. Cornette, J. P. Laurent, O. Hudin, T. Hourman | citations | a-reynaert d-cornette j-p-laurent o-hudin t-hourman |
L-44 | Citations | J.K. Larsson, L. Hanicke, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers | citations | j-k-larsson l-hanicke sae society-of-automotive-engineers |
B-49 | Citations | B.-A. Behrens | citations | b-a-behrens |
L-43 | Citations | A. Bach, G. Oberhofer, H. Gese, H. Lanzerath, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers | citations | a-bach g-oberhofer h-gese h-lanzerath sae society-of-automotive-engineers |
L-42 | Citations | R. Lagneborg | citations | r-lagneborg |
S-82 | Citations | Saab | citations | saab |
A-66 | Citations | J. Aspacher | citations | j-aspacher |
H-48 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), GDIS, Great Designs in Steel, K. Weise, L. Hein | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi gdis great-designs-in-steel k-weise l-hein |
L-41 | Citations | M. Lohscheller | citations | m-lohscheller |
G-39 | Citations | Great Wall Motors | citations | great-wall-motors |
A-65 | Citations | B. Albinski | citations | b-albinski |
G-38 | Citations | N. Glies | citations | n-glies |
C-23 | Citations | F. Ferrero, M. Consalvo, M. Passariello | citations | f-ferrero m-consalvo m-passariello |
M-45 | Citations | F. Manfredi, M. Verzilli, T. Meoli | citations | f-manfredi m-verzilli t-meoli |
R-18 | Citations | F. Rima | citations | f-rima |
K-36 | Citations | G. Kögel | citations | g-kogel |
H-47 | Citations | M. Braun, R. Hund | citations | m-braun r-hund |
M-44 | Citations | L. F. Song, M. T. Ma, Y. L. Wang, Y. S. Zhang | citations | l-f-song m-t-ma y-l-wang y-s-zhang |
B-48 | Citations | P. Belanger | citations | p-belanger |
J-20 | Citations | ArcelorMittal, B. Jacquier | citations | arcelormittal b-jacquier |
E-8 | Citations | F. Schmit, W. Ehling | citations | f-schmit w-ehling |
H-46 | Citations | J. Holmberg, Swerea | citations | j-holmberg swerea |
B-47 | Citations | A. Breuer | citations | a-breuer |
L-40 | Citations | R. Lapsien | citations | r-lapsien |
B-46 | Citations | G. Berglund | citations | g-berglund |
V-17 | Citations | F. Mogge, G. von Thaden, Roland Berger, S. Riederle | citations | f-mogge g-von-thaden roland-berger s-riederle |
H-45 | Citations | E. Billur | citations | e-billur |
W-33 | Citations | Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone | citations | wuhan-economic-and-technological-development-zone |
A-64 | Citations | | citations | |
W-32 | Citations | C. Y. Wang, H. Dong, J. Yang, W. Q. Cao, Y. Chang | citations | c-y-wang h-dong j-yang w-q-cao y-chang |
O-12 | Citations | J. Ortega | citations | j-ortega |
M-43 | Citations | A. Young, S. Morgans | citations | a-young s-morgans |
M-42 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), S. Morgans | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi s-morgans |
C-22 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), S. Crichley, T. J. Palesano | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi s-crichley t-j-palesano |
H-44 | Citations | D. Hußmann, T. Hämmerle | citations | d-husmann t-hammerle |
F-32 | Citations | A. Fidorra, J. Baur | citations | a-fidorra j-baur |
V-16 | Citations | AutoEvolution, Volkswagen AG | citations | autoevolution volkswagen-ag |
H-43 | Citations | C. Schwering, K. Heuer | citations | c-schwering k-heuer |
S-81 | Citations | C. Holmér, C. Orsbeck, U. Sjölin | citations | c-holmer c-orsbeck u-sjolin |
N-20 | Citations | NHTSA | citations | nhtsa |
O-11 | Citations | M. Oldenburg | citations | m-oldenburg |
B-45 | Citations | E. Billur, G. Berglund, T. Gustafsson | citations | e-billur g-berglund t-gustafsson |
W-31 | Citations | P. Weigert | citations | p-weigert |
I-18 | Citations | IIHS, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Volvo | citations | iihs insurance-institute-for-highway-safety volvo |
B-44 | Citations | American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), J. Bernquis | citations | american-iron-and-steel-institute-aisi j-bernquis |
R-17 | Citations | A. Reinhardt | citations | a-reinhardt |
V-15 | Citations | T. Vietoris | citations | t-vietoris |
L-39 | Citations | ArcelorMittal, D. Spehner, J. Devroc, J. P. Laurent, J.-P. Hennechart | citations | arcelormittal d-spehner j-devroc j-p-laurent j-p-hennechart |
B-43 | Citations | J. P. Laurent, X. Bano | citations | j-p-laurent x-bano |
M-41 | Citations | M. Weber, S. Morgans | citations | m-weber s-morgans |
M-40 | Citations | D. Schulentz, P. Hennon, S. Morgans | citations | d-schulentz p-hennon s-morgans |
T-33 | Citations | C. Roy, Y. Teston | citations | c-roy y-teston |
F-31 | Citations | Fahlblöm | citations | fahlblom |
B-42 | Citations | E. Billur, T. Altan | citations | e-billur t-altan |
O-10 | Citations | A. Bach, F. Özkan | citations | a-bach f-ozkan |
K-35 | Citations | C. Béal, C. Sommitsch, D. Krizan, R. Schneider, S. Kaar | citations | c-beal c-sommitsch d-krizan r-schneider s-kaar |
R-16 | Citations | R. Rana | citations | r-rana |
Z-9 | Citations | M. Zoernack | citations | m-zoernack |
T-32 | Citations | H.W. Tamler, J.-U. Becker, K.E. Friedrich, P. Rademacher, R. Wunderlich | citations | h-w-tamler j-u-becker k-e-friedrich p-rademacher r-wunderlich |
P-26 | Citations | D. Pieronek, H. Richter, L. Kessler, S. Myslowicki | citations | d-pieronek h-richter l-kessler s-myslowicki |
G-37 | Citations | A. Grüneklee | citations | a-gruneklee |
R-15 | Citations | K. A. Ramaker | citations | k-a-ramaker |
R-14 | Citations | D. Rosenstock, IDDRG, J. Banik, S. Myslowicki, T. Gerber | citations | d-rosenstock iddrg j-banik s-myslowicki t-gerber |
L-38 | Citations | C. Wang, H. Dong, P. Hu, X. Li, Y. Chang | citations | c-wang h-dong p-hu x-li y-chang |
W-30 | Citations | B. Zhu, H. Ding, M. Cai, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang | citations | b-zhu h-ding m-cai y-wang y-zhang z-wang |
L-37 | Citations | H. Luo, S. Li | citations | h-luo s-li |
M-39 | Citations | A. Ghiotti, I. A. Mendieta, J. Clobes, J. D. Puerta Velasquez, J. P. Drillet, M. A. Telleria, M. Alsmann, S. Bruschi | citations | a-ghiotti i-a-mendieta j-clobes j-d-puerta-velasquez j-p-drillet m-a-telleria m-alsmann s-bruschi |
S-80 | Citations | A. Glover, D. Matlock, E. De Moor, G. Thomas, J. Speer, R. Rana | citations | a-glover d-matlock e-de-moor g-thomas j-speer r-rana |
D-27 | Citations | B. C. De Cooman | citations | b-c-de-cooman |
B-41 | Citations | B. W. Blesi, C. Smith, D.K. Matlock, E. D. Moor | citations | b-w-blesi c-smith d-k-matlock e-d-moor |
M-38 | Citations | D. Ito, K. Mori | citations | d-ito k-mori |
F-30 | Citations | T. Fröhlich | citations | t-frohlich |
M-37 | Citations | J.B. Moreau | citations | j-b-moreau |
B-40 | Citations | B. Petit, C. Boissy, G. Badinier, J. Paegle, J.B. Moreau, J.D. Mithieux, S. Saedlou | citations | b-petit c-boissy g-badinier j-paegle j-b-moreau j-d-mithieux s-saedlou |
H-42 | Citations | J. M. Herbelin | citations | j-m-herbelin |
M-36 | Citations | H. Matsumoto, H. Yamada, K.-i. Mori, T. Maeno | citations | h-matsumoto h-yamada k-i-mori t-maeno |
G-36 | Citations | A.T. Gaynor, J.K. Guest | citations | a-t-gaynor j-k-guest |
A-63 | Citations | | citations | |
A-62 | Citations | D. G. Ahn, H.W. Kim, S.H. Park | citations | d-g-ahn h-w-kim s-h-park |
M-35 | Citations | B. Müller | citations | b-muller |
C-21 | Citations | A. Alberdi, A. Calleja, E. Ukar, J.I. Arrizubieta, M. Cortina | citations | a-alberdi a-calleja e-ukar j-i-arrizubieta m-cortina |
H-41 | Citations | H. Hoffmann, H. So, H. Steinbeiss | citations | h-hoffmann h-so h-steinbeiss |
E-7 | Citations | L.P. Karjalainen, M. Eriksson, M. Oldenburg, M.C. Somani | citations | l-p-karjalainen m-eriksson m-oldenburg m-c-somani |
N-19 | Citations | A. Naganathan, ASM International, L. Penter | citations | a-naganathan asm-international l-penter |
C-20 | Citations | D. Chantzis, D. J. Politis, L. Wang, O. El Fakir, T. Y. Chua, X. Liu, Z. Shi | citations | d-chantzis d-j-politis l-wang o-el-fakir t-y-chua x-liu z-shi |
P-25 | Citations | A. Nycz, B. Post, M.W. Noakes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory | citations | a-nycz b-post m-w-noakes oak-ridge-national-laboratory |
L-36 | Citations | C. Marto, F. M. Barreiros, F. Romeiro, J. C. Vasco, L. Alves, M. Santos, R. Leal | citations | c-marto f-m-barreiros f-romeiro j-c-vasco l-alves m-santos r-leal |
C-19 | Citations | B. Van Hooreweder, J. Van Humbeeck, L. Thijs, R. Knutsen, V. Cain | citations | b-van-hooreweder j-van-humbeeck l-thijs r-knutsen v-cain |
S-51 | Citations | S.A. Gold, T.G. Spears | citations | s-a-gold t-g-spears |
J-19 | Citations | A. Ricoeur, G. Linek, P.O. Judt | citations | a-ricoeur g-linek p-o-judt |
S-79 | Citations | A. Salem, D. Satko, J. Shaffer, J.J. Lewandowski, M. Seifi | citations | a-salem d-satko j-shaffer j-j-lewandowski m-seifi |
V-14 | Citations | C. Colin, J.D. Bartout, T. Vilaro | citations | c-colin j-d-bartout t-vilaro |
L-35 | Citations | J.J. Lewandowski, M. Seifi | citations | j-j-lewandowski m-seifi |
M-34 | Citations | F. Martina, J. Meyer, P. A. Colegrove, S.W. Williams | citations | f-martina j-meyer p-a-colegrove s-w-williams |
K-34 | Citations | S.L. Kampe, S.M. Kelly | citations | s-l-kampe s-m-kelly |
T-31 | Citations | A. Townsend, J.S. Taylor, L. Blunt, N. Senin, R.K. Leach | citations | a-townsend j-s-taylor l-blunt n-senin r-k-leach |
M-33 | Citations | D. Zhang, L. Hao, S. Mellor | citations | d-zhang l-hao s-mellor |
A-61 | Citations | D. Aspenberg, J. Rajalampi, N. Asnafi | citations | d-aspenberg j-rajalampi n-asnafi |
W-29 | Citations | C. Weller, F.T. Piller, R. Kleer | citations | c-weller f-t-piller r-kleer |
G-35 | Citations | B. Garrett | citations | b-garrett |
S-78 | Citations | SLM Solutions | citations | slm-solutions |
N-18 | Citations | A. Kashani, D. Hui, G. Imbalzano, K. T. Nguyen, T. D. Ngo | citations | a-kashani d-hui g-imbalzano k-t-nguyen t-d-ngo |
N-17 | Citations | O. D. Neikov | citations | o-d-neikov |
B-39 | Citations | G. Chryssolouris, H. Bikas, P. Stavropoulos | citations | g-chryssolouris h-bikas p-stavropoulos |
G-34 | Citations | B. Stucker, D. Rosen, I. Gibson | citations | b-stucker d-rosen i-gibson |
S-77 | Citations | F. A. List, R. R. Dehoff, S. Pannala, S.S. Babu, W. J. Sames | citations | f-a-list r-r-dehoff s-pannala s-s-babu w-j-sames |
K-33 | Citations | K. P. Karunakaran, S. Akula, S. Suryakumar, V. Pushpa | citations | k-p-karunakaran s-akula s-suryakumar v-pushpa |
K-32 | Citations | E. Liu, M. L. S. Nai, N. H. Loh, P. Wang, S. B. Tor, X. P. Tan, Y. Kok | citations | e-liu m-l-s-nai n-h-loh p-wang s-b-tor x-p-tan y-kok |
A-60 | Citations | ASTM, ASTM International | citations | astm astm-international |
P-24 | Citations | ASME, J. S. Colton, Y. Park | citations | asme j-s-colton y-park |
T-30 | Citations | C. Ducu, S. Tabacu | citations | c-ducu s-tabacu |
C-18 | Citations | A. Jerez, A. Young, C. Kroese, D. Damiani, D. Steinbach, J. Anton, J. T. Cantrell, L. DiSandro, P. G. Ifju, R. Gurnani, S. Rohde | citations | a-jerez a-young c-kroese d-damiani d-steinbach j-anton j-t-cantrell l-disandro p-g-ifju r-gurnani s-rohde |
D-26 | Citations | A.H. Espera, J.R.C. Dizon, Q Chen, R. C. Advincula | citations | a-h-espera j-r-c-dizon q-chen r-c-advincula |
L-34 | Citations | J.H.C. Souza, M. Liewald | citations | j-h-c-souza m-liewald |
J-18 | Citations | M. Tränkle, R. Wagner, S. Côté, S. Junk | citations | m-trankle r-wagner s-cote s-junk |
S-76 | Citations | C. Colag, F. Fiedler, G. Bergweiler, G. Schuh, P. Bickendorf | citations | c-colag f-fiedler g-bergweiler g-schuh p-bickendorf |
A-59 | Citations | | citations | |
F-29 | Citations | Stratasys | citations | stratasys |
H-40 | Citations | FDM, hydroforming, Stratasys | citations | fdm hydroforming stratasys |
K-31 | Citations | B.-M. Son, B.S. Kang, J. Kim | citations | b-m-son b-s-kang j-kim |
S-75 | Citations | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, S. Seay | citations | oak-ridge-national-laboratory s-seay |
H-39 | Citations | B. Hoffman, EWI, R. Hahnlen | citations | b-hoffman ewi r-hahnlen |
H-38 | Citations | R. Hahnlen | citations | r-hahnlen |
S-74 | Citations | C. Colag, F. Fiedler, G. Bergweiler, G. Schuh, P. Bickendorf | citations | c-colag f-fiedler g-bergweiler g-schuh p-bickendorf |
A-58 | Citations | F. Alamos, H. Kim | citations | f-alamos h-kim |
R-13 | Citations | J. Ryska, Precision Metalforming Association | citations | j-ryska precision-metalforming-association |
K-30 | Citations | H. Ando, K. Kawamoto, K. Yamamichi | citations | h-ando k-kawamoto k-yamamichi |
F-27 | Citations | J. Heingärtner, P. Fischer, P. Hora, Y. Renkci | citations | j-heingartner p-fischer p-hora y-renkci |
F-26 | Citations | D. Harsch, J. Heingärtner, P. Fischer, P. Hora, Y. Renkci | citations | d-harsch j-heingartner p-fischer p-hora y-renkci |
F-25 | Citations | D. Harsch, J. Heingärtner, P. Fischer, P. Hora | citations | d-harsch j-heingartner p-fischer p-hora |
F-24 | Citations | D. Harsch, J. Heingärtner, P. Fischer, P. Hora, Y. Renkci | citations | d-harsch j-heingartner p-fischer p-hora y-renkci |
E-5 | Citations | B. Endelt, J. Danckert, S. Tommerup | citations | b-endelt j-danckert s-tommerup |
M-32 | Citations | K. Manabe, M. Yang, S. Yoshihara | citations | k-manabe m-yang s-yoshihara |
M-31 | Citations | H. Koyama, K. Manabe, S. Yoshihara, T. Yagami | citations | h-koyama k-manabe s-yoshihara t-yagami |
O-9 | Citations | E. Obermeyer, S. Majlessi | citations | e-obermeyer s-majlessi |
H-37 | Citations | A. G. Ulsoy, C.-W. Hsu, M. Y. Demeri | citations | a-g-ulsoy c-w-hsu m-y-demeri |
F-23 | Citations | C. Böhne, G. Meschut, J. Frei, M. Biegler, M. Rethmeier | citations | c-bohne g-meschut j-frei m-biegler m-rethmeier |
S-73 | Citations | C. Schwenk | citations | c-schwenk |
M-30 | Citations | A. R. Kashani, J. R. Michler, K. J. Weinmann, S. A. Majlessi | citations | a-r-kashani j-r-michler k-j-weinmann s-a-majlessi |
B-38 | Citations | M. Barthau, M. Liewald | citations | m-barthau m-liewald |
K-29 | Citations | H. Kim, M. Selent | citations | h-kim m-selent |
F-22 | Citations | D. Harsch, J. Heingärtner, P. Fischer, P. Hora, Y. Renkci | citations | d-harsch j-heingartner p-fischer p-hora y-renkci |
D-25 | Citations | B. Griesbach, E. Doege, H.-J. Seidel, J.-W. Yun | citations | b-griesbach e-doege h-j-seidel j-w-yun |
M-29 | Citations | C. Wang, J. Cao, M. Peshkin, N. Mahayotsanun, R. X. Gao, S. Sah | citations | c-wang j-cao m-peshkin n-mahayotsanun r-x-gao s-sah |
L-33 | Citations | A. G. Ulsoy, R. Venugopal, Y. Lim | citations | a-g-ulsoy r-venugopal y-lim |
A-57 | Citations | A. Sterzing, A.E. Tekkaya, B. Kinsey, G. Hirt, J. Cao, J. M. Allwood, M. Liewald, P. Groche, S. R. Duncan, T. Kuboki | citations | a-sterzing a-e-tekkaya b-kinsey g-hirt j-cao j-m-allwood m-liewald p-groche s-r-duncan t-kuboki |
P-23 | Citations | J. A. Polyblank, J. M. Allwood, S. R. Duncan | citations | j-a-polyblank j-m-allwood s-r-duncan |
K-28 | Citations | H. Kim, J. C. Gu, L. Zoller | citations | h-kim j-c-gu l-zoller |
H-36 | Citations | D. Harsch, J. Heingärtner, P. Fischer, P. Hora, Y. Renkci | citations | d-harsch j-heingartner p-fischer p-hora y-renkci |
K-27 | Citations | H. Kim | citations | h-kim |
H-35 | Citations | D. Harsch | citations | d-harsch |
Y-13 | Citations | A. Sterzing, A.E. Tekkaya, C.W. Lee, D.Y. Yang, J. Cao, J.R. Duflou, M. Bambach, P. Groche, T. Kuboki | citations | a-sterzing a-e-tekkaya c-w-lee d-y-yang j-cao j-r-duflou m-bambach p-groche t-kuboki |
I-17 | Citations | Industry 4.0 | citations | industry-4-0 |
E-4 | Citations | Verband Der Automobilindustrie (VDA) | citations | verband-der-automobilindustrie-vda |
E-6 | Citations | environmental protection agency, EPA | citations | environmental-protection-agency epa |
A-56 | Citations | A-SP, Auto/Steel Partnership | citations | a-sp auto-steel-partnership |
A-55 | Citations | ASTM, ASTM International | citations | astm astm-international |
S-72 | Citations | J.A. Schey, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers | citations | j-a-schey sae society-of-automotive-engineers |
S-71 | Citations | G. Stachowiak, P.J. Blau | citations | g-stachowiak p-j-blau |
B-37 | Citations | P. Bosler | citations | p-bosler |
S-70 | Citations | G.M. Dalton, J.A. Schey | citations | g-m-dalton j-a-schey |
B-36 | Citations | E.R. Booser | citations | e-r-booser |
D-24 | Citations | D.C. Zaccone, G.M. Dalton, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers | citations | d-c-zaccone g-m-dalton sae society-of-automotive-engineers |
B-35 | Citations | E.R. Booser | citations | e-r-booser |
A-54 | Citations | ASTM, ASTM International | citations | astm astm-international |
B-34 | Citations | E.R. Booser | citations | e-r-booser |
Z-8 | Citations | H. Spikes, J. Zhang | citations | h-spikes j-zhang |
A-53 | Citations | A. Martini, H.L. Adams, |