A variety of steel grades are used to manufacture vehicle body structures and closures. Welding dissimilar Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS) in three and four layer stack-ups requires special considerations. In this section of the Guidelines are articles summarizing papers that have investigated welding dissimilar AHSS and stack ups and discovered important factors for consideration and implementation.
Modern car bodies today are made of increasing volumes of Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS), the superb
This article summarizes a paper entitled, “RSW of 22MnB5 at Overlaps with Gaps-Effects, Causes, and
This article is the summary of a paper entitled, “HAZ Softening of RSW of 3T Dissimilar Steel Stack-up”,
Judging Weldability Using Carbon Equivalence (CE)
Existing Carbon Equivalent (CE) formulas for Resistance
Key Issues: RSW Steel and Aluminium Joints
Among various dissimilar material combinations, Al-steel is one of the most desirable combination. This section will