P-12. N. Pathak, C. Butcher, M.J. Worswick, E. Bellhouse, and J. Gao, “Damage Evolution in Complex-Phase and Dual-Phase Steels during Edge Stretching“, Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 2017, 10(4), 346.
Dual Phase (DP) steels have a microstructure consisting of a ferritic matrix with martensitic islands as a hard
Complex Phase (CP) steels combine high strength with relatively high ductility. The
Steel E-Motive Addresses Autonomous Vehicle Safety Challenges
As robotaxi companies in the USA prepare to launch their
More Reveals of the Steel E-Motive Autonomous Vehicle Demonstration
WorldAutoSteel has a 30-year legacy of steel demonstration all the way back to the
One of the tasks we took great care in completing during the update of the AHSS Application Guidelines was to