K-48. J. Kim and D.N. Kim, “Computational Studies for the Yield-Point Phenomenon of Metals,” Multiscale Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2020, pages 90–106, doi.org/10.1007/s42493-020-00042-5.
K-48. J. Kim and D.N. Kim, “Computational Studies for the Yield-Point Phenomenon of Metals,” Multiscale Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2020, pages 90–106, doi.org/10.1007/s42493-020-00042-5.
S-104. Shape Corp., Press Release, “Shape Corp. wins Swedish Steel Prize 2019“, November 15, 2019.
Steel production and processing are continuous operations where the last step is coiling. Steelmakers and processors use tension when coiling to avoid producing “soft” or collapsing coils. Coiling induces tensile and compressive stresses into the strip, and these stresses can contribute to blank or part distortion in subsequent processes. Unless sufficient winding tension adjustments are made, the degree of these stresses change throughout the coil – whereas the outer laps of the coil may be on the order of 6 feet (1800 mm) in diameter, the inner laps typically are wound on a 20 inch to 24 inch (500 mm to 600 mm) diameter mandrel. In addition, the magnitude of these stresses increases with higher strength products, leading to coil shape imperfections like coil set and crossbow.
Coil set is a bow condition parallel with the rolling direction, and curves downward in the same direction as the upper outside lap of an overwound coil (Figure 1a). Here, the top surface of the coil or strip is stretched more than the bottom surface, and typically becomes more severe as the coil is processed and the lap diameter decreases. Crossbow is a bow condition perpendicular to the rolling direction, and curves downward in the same direction as the upper outside lap of an overwound coil, with the center portion of the sheet raised a measurable amount above the sheet edges (Figure 1b).
The first operation when unwinding a coil is some type of shape correction to ensure flatness before further processing. There are two main types of equipment used to create a flat coil – a straightener and a precision leveler. While these two types of equipment are similar, a precision leveler has additional capabilities. Both bend the coil back and forth over a series of work rolls to alternately stretch and compress the upper and lower surfaces (Figure 2). Critical equipment parameters include roll diameter, roll spacing, backup rolls, roll material type, gear design, backup rolls, overall system rigidity, and power requirements. The amount of force required to relieve the residual stresses is a function of the sheet thickness and yield strength. Equipment sufficient for shape correction on conventional grades may not be sufficient to completely flatten the advanced steel grades available now and in the future.
Straighteners and levelers have a series of rolls that progressively flex the strip to remove the residual stresses. Each successive roll pair has an adjustable gap to deform the sheet to a targeted amount with the goal of resulting in a flat coil once the steel passes through all the rolls. The entry end has the smallest gap, putting in the most deformation. The last pair of rolls has the largest gap, usually set for metal thickness. The gap profile varies based on thickness, yield strength, and equipment (Figure 3). Many equipment manufacturers have generated tables to guide the operator as to the best settings for various yield strength/thickness combinations.
Removing coil set requires permanent yielding in the outer 20 percent of the top and bottom surfaces of the metal. The central 80 percent of the thickness remains unchanged.T-14 Straighteners are appropriate for this type of shape correction (Figure 4). Only end bearings support the simplest straighteners, with no backup rolls used. Closing the entry roll gap risks deflection of the unsupported center, potentially leading to creating edge waves in the coil.
Eliminating crossbow and other shape imperfections like buckles or waves requires permanent yielding in the outer 80 percent of the top and bottom surfaces, with only the central core — 20 percent — remaining in the elastic range.T-14 Precision levelers, which applies tension to the strip as it bends around more smaller diameter rolls, can achieve this deformation (Figure 5). While this deformation can get the coil shape closer to flat, it also reduces the inherent formability of the grade. Processors should use only the least amount of deformation necessary to correct the shape to retain sufficient formability for stamping or other operations.
Yield point elongation (YPE), Lüders lines, and stretcher strains are names describing the same phenomenon seen in some annealed or aged metals. A related defect called fluting occurs in V-bending. Leveling at-risk coils with repeated cycles of bending and unbending, like shown in Figure 3, may be an effective way to minimize stretcher strains or fluting. However, process control is critical, since excessive leveling work hardens the coil and results in increased strength and reduced ductility. On the other hand, insufficient leveling does not address the defects related to the yield-point phenomenon.
Recent studies K-24, K-48, K-49 describe the importance of sufficient leveling, using real-world examples as well as simulation to model the phenomena and show potential corrective actions, as shown in the following animations.K-50
Figure 6 shows an animation of V-bending without any roller leveling. The fluting defect occurs, since the formed panel shape does not conform to the punch. Figure 7 is an animation of leveling with roller penetration deep enough to produce deformation equivalent to an 85% plastic fraction. Figure 8 presents a closer view of the V-bending, highlighting improved formed panel shape conformance to the punch. The references cited above detail the simulation methodology.
The progressively higher yield strengths for AHSS are challenging the capabilities of straighteners and precision levelers that were not designed for flattening these high strength materials. Equipment manufacturers have been studying and developing solutions to address this issue. There are a series of factors related to the design of straighteners and precision levelers affected by advanced steel grades:
Roll Diameter – Leveling rolls for AHSS generally are smaller in diameter than those used for mild steel, providing a smaller radius around which to bend the material. This is because exceeding the higher yield strength of Advanced High Strength Steels requires a more aggressive bend.
Roll Spacing – Work roll center-spacing will be closer for AHSS than for comparable mild steels. Closer spacing leads to the requirement of more force to reverse-bend the material, resulting in greater power requirements for processing.
Roll Support – Larger journal diameters with larger radii and bearing capacity will withstand the greater forces and higher power required to straighten AHSS.
Roll Depth Penetration – The upper rolls must have enough travel to be able to penetrate the lower fixed rolls sufficiently so the deformation exceeds the yield strength of the AHSS grade. This penetration may need to be as much as 50 to 60 percent greater than for mild steels.
Roll Deflection – Given the greater force requirements for straightening AHSS, work roll deflection becomes a concern especially with smaller-diameter rolls more likely to flex and deflect. Processing wider sheet also increases the deflection risk. Excessive work roll deflection results in undesirable side effects such as edge waves, increased journal stresses and premature gear failure. Backup rollers prevent excessive work roll deflection.
Roll Material – Higher strength materials and special heat treatment should be employed to ensure rolls can withstand greater stresses for longer periods without experiencing fatigue failure.
Gear Materials – Gears that drive the rolls should be produced from heat treated high strength materials to produce smooth running, chatter free roll drive for long life under high loads.
Gear Positioning – Closer roll center spacing requires higher power transmission and results in a smaller gear-pitch ratio, which reduces gear power ratings.
Gear Sizes – To compensate for the gear positioning issue, flattening AHSS grades requires wider gear faces as well as stronger outboard support of journals and idler shafts to produce higher gear power ratings.
Frame Rigidity – The higher strength of advanced steels results in stresses throughout all the components of the processing unit. Frame rigidity is vital to prevent work roll deflection.
Equipment manufacturers have also developed design solutions that address processing of AHSS. As an example, several manufacturers have designed equipment with removable cartridges allowing for swapping between sets containing differently sized rolls, gears, and support structures. As they switch jobs from AHSS to conventional steels, they swap in the appropriate cartridge. This also allows for off-line roll cleaning and maintenance.
Remember that the likelihood of coil set and residual stresses in the coil increases with strength. Operators must take proper precautions when cutting the strapping banks used in coil shipment to avoid “clock-springing.”
Newer processing equipment may contain additional hold-down arms or other features to protect both plant personnel and equipment from damage.E-11
Stamping AHSS materials can affect the size, strength, power and overall configuration of every major piece of the press line, including material-handling equipment, coil straighteners, feed systems and presses.
Higher-strength materials, due to their greater yield strengths, have a greater tendency to retain coil set. This requires greater horsepower to straighten the material to an acceptable level of flatness. Straightening higher-strength coils requires larger-diameter rolls and wider roll spacing in order to work the stronger material more effectively. But increasing roll diameter and center distances on straighteners to accommodate higher-strength steels limits the range of materials that can effectively be straightened. A straightener capable of processing 600-mm-wide coils to 10 mm thick in mild steel may still straighten 1.5-mm-thick material successfully. But a straightener sized to run the same width and thickness of DP steel might only be capable of straightening 2.5 mm or 3.0-mm thick mild steel. This limitation is primarily due to the larger rolls and broadly spaced centers necessary to run AHSS materials. The larger rolls, journals and broader center distances safeguard the straightener from potential damage caused by the higher stresses.
Tensile property characterization of mild and High Strength Low Alloy steel (HSLA) traditionally was tested only in the rolling direction and included only yield strength, tensile strength, and total elongation. Properties vary as a function of orientation relative to the rolling (grain) direction, so testing in the longitudinal (0°), transverse (90°), and diagonal (45°) orientations relative to the rolling direction is done to obtain a better understanding of metal properties (Figure 1).
A more complete perspective of forming characteristics is obtained by also considering work hardening exponents (n-values) and anisotropy ratios (r-values), both of which are important to achieve improved and consistent formability.
Hardness readings are sometimes included in this characterization, but hardness readings are of little use in assessing formability requirements for sheet steel. Hardness testing is best used to assess the heat treatment quality and durability of the tools used to roll, stamp, and cut sheet metal.
The formability limits of different grades of conventional mild and HSLA steels were learned by correlating press performance with as-received mechanical properties. This information can be fed into computer forming simulation packages to run tryouts and troubleshooting in a virtual environment. Many important parameters can be measured in a tensile test, where the output is a stress-strain curve (Figure 2).
Press shop behavior of Advanced High-Strength Steels is more complex. AHSS properties are modified by changing chemistry, annealing temperature, amount of deformation, time, and even deformation path. With new microstructures, these steels become “Designer Steels” with properties tailored not only for initial forming of the stamping but in-service performance requirements for crash resistance, energy absorption, fatigue life, and other needs. An extended list of properties beyond a conventional tensile test is now needed to evaluate total performance with virtual forming prior to cutting the first die, to ensure ordering and receipt of the correct steel, and to enable successful troubleshooting if problems occur.
With increasing use of advanced steels for value-added applications, combined with the natural flow of more manufacturing occurring down the supply chain, it is critical that all levels of suppliers and users understand both how to measure the parameters and how they affect the forming process.
Automotive product designers target small radii for springback control, sectional stiffness, packaging constraints, and design features. These small radii lead to new challenges as applications for AHSS grades continue to increase. One of these challenges is an increased sensitivity to crack formation in those designs with small die radius to material thickness (R/T) ratios. Cracks forming at small R/T in AHSS grades are known as shear fractures.
General forming limit curves or other press shop criteria cannot predict shear fractures, nor are they flagged when traditional approaches are used in forming simulation packages. However, these shear fractures do occur in die tryout. Shear fractures are another form of local formability failure associated with multiphase AHSS such as DP and TRIP.
Shear fractures on AHSS may exhibit similarities to edge fracture, specifically the absence of necking prior to failure. This is in contrast with global formability failures, which are characterized by significant thinning near the fracture. Shear fractures occur almost immediately (within 1 mm of displacement) after reaching maximum load, meaning there is essentially no post-uniform elongation. This is contrary to the tensile behavior where significant post-uniform ductility remains prior to fracture.K-9
Figures 1 and 2 highlight the appearance of a crack on the bend radius caused by shear fracture. No thinning is observed, which is consistent with failures limited by local formability concerns.
Figure 3 shows a typical shear fracture on a DP780 part viewed from different angles. The shear fracture occurred on the sharp radius on the left whereas the larger radius on the right experienced no failure. Depth of draw and draw bead configuration were the same on both sides of the draw panel. Restraining force was also similar on both sides of the blankholder. The significant variable was the die radius.
It is helpful to describe the characteristic differences between conventional tensile fracture and shear fracture, as shown in Figure 4. A conventional tensile fracture is called a Type I fracture, and has been the typical fracture type historically encountered. Type I fractures occur off the radius, and is preceded by necking or metal thinning. Successful prediction of this type of fracture occurs with conventional application of strain analysis and Forming Limit Diagrams. This is in contrast with shear fracture – categorized as a Type III fracture – which occurs within the die radius, with no thinning from necking (typical for local formability failures). Type II fractures occur at or near the tangent of the radius in metal drawn over the radius.
Numerous studies show that radius to thickness ratios (R/T) are significant indicators of performance with respect to shear fracture on AHSS. This research led to the establishment of R/T ratio guidelines. While bend testing also categorizes products based on achievable R/T, the significant difference is that the ends are not restrained in a standard bend test. Shear fracture testing typically involves some type of restraining force, such as that seen in a Bending Under Tension test.
As with edge fracture, AHSS grades may be available at a similar strength but with improved minimum R/T ratio. Guidelines have been established for minimum R/T ratios based on bend test results as well as real world case studies. For DP340/590 and above, the R/T ratio should be at least 3T for product features such as embossments where there is relatively limited metal motion. Pulling these grades across a radius or through a draw bead under tension increases the minimum R/T ratio to at least 5T.
As strength levels increase, it is necessary to increase R/T ratios to avoid shear fractures. One study recommended a minimum R/T of 8 for DP800W-4 while another has a critical R/T of at least 7T for DP980S-19. Differences such as these are likely due to different test conditions such as the tension applied during bending, test speed and lubrication. Higher deformation rates (forming speed) and better lubrication tends to promote shear fracture and cause fracture on material close to the die radius.S-19 A combination of high forming speed and back tension leads to DP590 and DP780 having a critical R/T value of 12, with DP980 having a critical R/T of over 16.S-20
Shear fracture is sensitive to rolling direction. If the radius is running in the rolling direction, the bend will be transverse to the rolling direction which is the worst-case scenario when trying to avoid shear fracture. Understanding the directionality of minimum R/T ratios when designing the part to avoid shear fractures is therefore important. One study evaluated DP780, which discovered a critical minimum R/T of 5 to avoid shear fracture, although this varied with back tension and pulling speed. At all R/T ratios tested, the samples oriented so the bend radius was parallel to the rolling direction failed at lower stress than if the bend radius was perpendicular (transverse) to the rolling direction. Tighter R/T magnifies this effect, as does a higher strength grade. At 1.5 R/T, shear fracture with bends perpendicular to the rolling direction occurred when the stress reached 81% of the tensile strength, where in samples with the bend parallel to the rolling direction, failure occurred at 66% of the tensile strength.S-21
Microstructure also plays a role. Phase distribution uniformity, fine microstructural phases, and a decrease in hardness ratio between martensite and ferrite all increase formability as measured by the smallest achievable R/T resulting in split-free panels.W-4, H-6 These are the same factors that result in improved hole expansion values.
Forming Limit Curves are the limiting strain states based on the onset localized deformation, or necking. Generating conventional FLCs typically involves using a 100mm diameter hemispherical punch to deform 1mm to 2mm thick sheet steels, resulting in R/T ratios of 25 or higher. Many decades of use have shown that conventional FLC approaches can be used to assess part robustness and predict failure in areas having large R/T ratios and failure modes affected by global formability. These show up as Type I fractures.
When the R/T ratio is within the shear fracture limit but above the simple bending limit (no stretching imposed to bending), failure may occur in the radius or outside the radius, depending upon the tension level applied during forming. If the failure occurs inside the radius, the failure limit derived from the shear fracture tests should be used as the criterion to predict failure. Finally, when the R/T ratio is smaller than the limit from the simple bending test, the failure occurs in the radius.
In addition to large R/T, most Forming Limit Curves are generated from tests are conducted at a very low strain rate, maintaining an isothermal condition (no heat generated from deforming the sheets). While these conditions are consistent with those adopted for the simulations, they differ significantly from those encountered in industrial practice.
Ignoring the role of deformation-induced heating is one of the most significant reason for the limited success of shear fracture prediction in conventional forming simulation. Strain rates for stamping are typically 1,000x to 10,000x greater than the strain rates for tensile testing. Contact between the sheet metal and the tooling at tight radii also drives up the local temperature. Maximum temperature at the die-sheet interface of 70°C has been found on DP590, but 105°C for CP800.F-6 Stamping DP780 leads to die temperatures of 180°C and blank temperatures of 108°C.P-11 Stamping DP980 produces contact temperatures of over 200°C in certain conditions.F-28
Using a simulation model that accounts for the thermal effects of forming and the associated response in the sheet metal, along with the traditional mechanical deformation response, has been shown to dramatically improve simulation accuracy to predict when shear fracture will occur.K-9, S-20, S-22
Therefore, it is important for the part designer to design an appropriate die radius for a given AHSS product and forming conditions / processes used to manufacture the part. Forming simulation is an excellent tool to derive an appropriate die radius for the specified part and forming process, recognizing that the failure criterion in the simulation must incorporate all conditions and failure modes encountered, including shear fracture.