Spot Weld Strength Improvement by PWHT

Spot Weld Strength Improvement by PWHT

This article summarizes a paper entitled, “High Strength Steel Spot Weld Strength Improvement through in situ Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)”, by I. Diallo, et al.D-9

The study proposes optimal process parameters and process robustness for any new spot welding configuration. These parameters include minimum quenching time, post weld time, and post-welding current.

Three different chemical compositions are considered in this study and are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Chemical composition and metallurgical data of products tested. Formulas used to calculate Ms, Ac1 and Ac3 are from "Andrews Empirical Formulae for the Calculation of Some Transformation Temperatures."

Table 1:  Chemical composition and metallurgical data of products tested. Formulas used to calculate Ms, Ac1 and Ac3 are from “Andrews Empirical Formulae for the Calculation of Some Transformation Temperatures.”D-9


Welding configurations and process parameters are described in Table 2.

Table 2. Welded configurations and welding parameters used in reference cases.

Table 2:  Welded configurations and welding parameters used in reference cases.D-9



Cross Tensile Strength for MS1500EG 1.5 mm homogenous configuration is seen in Figure 1. Table 3 lists the reference data for the other configurations in this study.

Figure 4. Cross Tensile Strength for MS1500EG 1.5 mm homogenous configuration as a function of plug (closed symbols) or weld (open symbols) diameter.

Figure 1:  Cross Tensile Strength for MS1500EG 1.5 mm homogenous configuration as a function of plug (closed symbols) or weld (open symbols) diameter.D-9



Table 3. Average α and plug ratio along the welding range for reference configurations.

Table 3:  Average α and plug ratio along the welding range for reference configurations.D-9


Figure 2 and 3 depict micrographs of welds after PWHT applied on 36MnB5 2 mm homogeneous configuration. These micrographs illustrate the evolution of the microstructure during PWHT and are labeled accordingly. Figure 4 shows the microhardness profiles in the welds described in Figure 3. It is clear that the Mf temperature was reached in the entire weld before application of PWHT.

Figure 6. Micrograph of reference weld for 36MnB5 2mm homogeneous configuration.

Figure 2:  Micrograph of reference weld for 36MnB5 2mm homogeneous configuration.D-9


Figure 2. Micrographs of welds after post weld heat treatment applied on 36MnB5 2 mm homogeneous configuration with 70 periods of quenching and post welding current of a) 54%Iw, b) 62%Iw, c) 65% d) 67%Iw, e) 71%Iw and f ) 78%Iw.

Figure 3:  Micrographs of welds after post weld heat treatment applied on 36MnB5 2 mm homogeneous configuration with 70 periods of quenching and post welding current of a) 54%Iw, b) 62%Iw, c) 65% d) 67%Iw, e) 71%Iw and f ) 78%Iw.D-9


Figure 4. Microhardness profiles in welds after post weld treatment applied on 36MnB5 2mm homogeneous configuration with 70 periods of quenching ; these measurements correspond to micrographs shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 4:  Microhardness profiles in welds after post weld treatment applied on 36MnB5 2mm homogeneous configuration with 70 periods of quenching ; these measurements correspond to micrographs shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.D-9


Similar methodology was performed on partial quenching examples with AISI coating and electrogalvanized coating. Table 4 lists the minimum quenching times that were determined experimentally for each configuration.

Table 4. Minimum quenching times determined experimentally and through Sorpas simulation.

Table 4:  Minimum quenching times determined experimentally and through Sorpas simulation.D-9


For selection of post weld time, a slightly different methodology was performed. Optimal quenching time was determined and used to construct the evolution of post weld current range as a function of post weld time as described in Figure 5. This figure shows that post welding current range is stable between 60 and 30 periods of post weld time.

Figure 5. Evolution of post welding current range as a function of post weld time for three welding current levels.

Figure 5:  Evolution of post welding current range as a function of post weld time for three welding current levels.D-9


Notch tip hardness measured after different post welding currents has been reported in Figure 6. From this result, a notch tip tempering range is found to be between 400 °C and Ac1.

Figure 6. Relationship between measured notch tip hardness and post-welding current (Usibor1500 AlSi 1.5mm, LWR).

Figure 6:  Relationship between measured notch tip hardness and post-welding current (Usibor1500 AlSi 1.5mm, LWR).D-9


Using the notch tip tempering range, a post welding current range can be calculated from Sorpas calculations in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Experimental and numerical post welding current ranges for Usibor1500 AlSi 1.5 mm configuration (above: LWR, below: HWR).

Figure 7:  Experimental and numerical post welding current ranges for Usibor1500 AlSi 1.5 mm configuration (above: LWR, below: HWR).D-9



Results are displayed in Figure 8 for post weld time for MS1500 EZ with low welding current LWR.

Figure 8: Evolution of post welding current ranges for different post welding times in LWR.

Figure 8: Evolution of post welding current ranges for different post welding times in LWR.D-9


Figure 9 displays results for MS1500 EG 1.5mm configuration.

Figure 9:  MS1500 EG 1.5 mm configuration experimental and simulated post welding current ranges (LWR).

Figure 9:  MS1500 EG 1.5 mm configuration experimental and simulated post welding current ranges (LWR).D-9


The same methodology was applied to other configurations and the results are displayed in Table 5.

Table 5: Post weld times selected.

Table 5:  Post weld times selected.D-9


Interpolation between experiments was carried out to create a robustness and performance tempering map that is displayed in Figure 10. The map shows tremendous improvement of cross tension strength can be achieved through PWHT. Additionally, the optimal post welding current is around 65% of welding current, and the CTS level reached for LWR and HWR without PWHT is very similar.

Figure 10. Tempering map for Usibor ® AlSi 1.5 mm homogeneous configuration, drawn after experimental results shown on Figure 9.

Figure 10:  Tempering map for Usibor ® AlSi 1.5 mm homogeneous configuration, drawn after experimental results shown on Figure 9.D-9


Figure 11 displays cross-tension results for Usibor1500 AlSi using the optimized cycle [Metallurgical Post Weld Heat Treatment (MPWHT)].

Figure 11:  Comparison of CTS along the welding current range, with and without MPWHT.

Figure 11:  Comparison of CTS along the welding current range, with and without MPWHT.D-9


Table 6 and Figure 12 display all the reference and MPWHT spot weld performance after Cross-Tension testing.

Table 6: ɑ coefficients and plug ratios for reference and with post treatment for all the configurations.

Table 6: ɑ coefficients and plug ratios for reference and with post treatment for all the configurations.D-9


Figure 12: ɑ coefficients and plug ratios for reference and with post treatment for all the configurations.

Figure 12: ɑ coefficients and plug ratios for reference and with post treatment for all the configurations.D-9


MPWHT, aiming at tempering the martensite formed during spot welding of Advanced High-Strength Steels, has been studied for several configurations both experimentally and numerically. The methodology proposed in this study is available to determine the optimal process parameters and the process robustness for any new configuration. Among the major results brought by this study:

  • A minimum quenching time is necessary to fully transform the weld into martensite before post weld heat treatment; this time can be determined based on metallographic observations, and depends strongly on sheets thickness, chemistry and coating.
  • The post weld time is not very sensitive to the configuration welded; 0.6 s seems a reasonable time, although it may be reduced further.
  • The post welding current can be simply expressed as a percentage of the welding current, the efficient level being then constant along the welding current range.
  • A range of post welding currents can be determined, allowing an efficiency of the post weld heat treatment process. Tempering maps allow common visualization of the welding current and post welding current ranges in two dimensions, to characterize the whole process robustness.
  • MPWHT is very efficient in improving the mechanical weld performance in opening mode; cross-tension strength can be doubled in some cases; the process efficiency depends on the chemistry of the grades.
  • In case of heterogeneous configuration, the so-called “positive deviation” can give a good performance to the weld even without MPWHT, limiting the improvement brought after post treatment.


RSW of 4T Stack Up

RSW of 4T Stack Up

This article is the summary of a paper entitled, “Weld Nugget Penetration of a Four-Sheet Resistance Spot Welding Advanced High-Strength Steels”, by K. Namola, et al.N-11

Experimental Weld Nugget Penetration

The study analyzes the effect of electrode size and composition on final weld nugget size and penetration. Nugget growth patterns were analyzed and weldability issues characterized.  Figure 1 shows the arrangement of the four-layer stack-ups that were tested in this study. Truncated code electrodes used were a 6-mm Class 1, 6-mm Class 3, 6-mm Class 20, 8-mm Class 1, and 10-mm Class 1. Samples were welded in the as-received condition.  JAC270 is a cold rolled Mild steel with a galvanneal coating having a minimum tensile strength of 270 MPa. JSC590 and JSC980 are bare cold rolled Dual Phase steels with a minimum tensile strength of 590 MPa and 980 MPa, respectively.

Figure 1:  Resistance Welding Stack and Test Electrode Combinations.

Figure 1:  Resistance Welding Stack and Test Electrode Combinations.N-11


Best results from the iterative trials were obtained using an 8- and 6-mm Class 1 copper electrode with the weld schedule shown in Figure 2. This weld schedule was repeated using the electrode combinations listed in Table 1. Figure 3 shows cross sections of each weld listed in Table 1.


Figure 2:  Down-Selected Weld Schedule from Trials. 

Figure 2:  Down-Selected Weld Schedule from Trials.N-11



Table 1:  Nugget Penetration Using the Down-Selected Weld Schedule from Trials and Different.

Table 1:  Nugget Penetration Using the Down-Selected Weld Schedule from Trials and Different.N-11



Figure 3:  Welds Made Using the Down-Selected Schedule and Different Electrodes.

Figure 3:  Welds Made Using the Down-Selected Schedule and Different Electrodes.N-11


Figure 4 shows cross sections of five welds made starting with new 8- and 6-mm Class 1 electrodes. As can be seen, expulsion gets progressively worse over time but penetration does not. Penetration values into the JAC 270 were determined by metallography and are shown in Table 2.


Figure 4: Welds from Repeatability Study Using the Down-Selected Weld Schedule and 8- and 6-mm Class 1 Electrodes.

Figure 4: Welds from Repeatability Study Using the Down-Selected Weld Schedule and 8- and 6-mm Class 1 Electrodes.N-11


Table 2: Nugget Penetration into the JAC 270 During Repeatability Study.

Table 2: Nugget Penetration into the JAC 270 During Repeatability Study.N-11


Table 3 lists the resistance measurements at the weld stack interfaces. Figure 5 shows the resistance graph of weld stack up.


Table 3: Resistance Measurements of Weld Materials and Weld Stack Interfaces.

Table 3: Resistance Measurements of Weld Materials and Weld Stack Interfaces.N-11


Figure 5:  Resistance Graph of Weld Stack-Up.

Figure 5:  Resistance Graph of Weld Stack-Up.N-11


The weld force used was 2.3 kN and the current reduction values are listed in Table 4. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the still images at each pulse. The heating pattern implies that the JAC270 is forged into the weld nugget.


Table 4: Current Reduction for High-Speed Video Welds.

Table 4: Current Reduction for High-Speed Video Welds.N-11


Figure 6: Still Images from High-Speed Video. 

Figure 6: Still Images from High-Speed Video.N-11



Figure 7:  Still Images from Weld Simulation of the Down-Selected Schedule using 8- and 6-mm Class 1 Electrodes.

Figure 7:  Still Images from Weld Simulation of the Down-Selected Schedule using 8- and 6-mm Class 1 Electrodes.L-58

Higher than Expected Strengths

Higher than Expected Strengths

This article summarizes a paper entitled, “Higher than Expected Strengths from Dissimilar Configuration Advanced High-Strength Steel Spot Welds”, by E. Biro, et al.B-6

This study shows that the cross tension strength (CTS) is always higher than the strength expected from the lower strength material in the joint. Figure 1 verifies the assumption that the load bearing capacity of a heterogeneous configuration is supposed to equal the minimum strength of both homogenous assemblies.  Material used in this study was a 1 mm low carbon equivalent Dual Phase 980 (DP980 LCE) steel.


Figure 1: Example of dissimilar configuration with CTS matching the “minimum rule”.

Figure 1: Example of dissimilar configuration with CTS matching the “minimum rule”.B-6



The materials chosen for this study are in Table 1.

Table 1: Steel sheet samples.

Table 1: Steel sheet samples.B-6



The material thickness combinations for all of the two sheet joints are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Welded 2-sheet configurations.

Table 2: Welded 2-sheet configurations.B-6



The three-sheet stackups all were made using the 1 mm DP980 LCE. These configurations were designed to understand what happens in such cases, knowing that three-sheet welding is very common in car body manufacturing. The three-sheet stackup configurations are shown in Figure 2 and are as were follows:

  1. a square DP980 coupon (patch) is inserted between the two classical cross-tension coupons for welding (1+patch+1 mm);
  2. two coupons oriented the same way welded with one coupon oriented in the transverse direction to form a cross-tension sample (1+[1+1] mm);
  3. same configuration as a) but the external coupon is removed by manual torsion before cross-tension testing (1+1+0 mm);
  4. same configuration as a), but the two coupons oriented the same way are first spot welded together strongly (with several spots) in the extremities, before the actual 3-sheet spot weld is done ([1++++1]+1 mm).
Figure 2: Three-sheet configurations based on 1mm DP980 LCE sample.

Figure 2: Three-sheet configurations based on 1mm DP980 LCE sample.B-6



The welding parameters for each configuration are listed in Table 3.

Table 3 : Welding parameters.

Table 3 : Welding parameters.B-6



CTS is strongly dependent on weld diameter (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Cross-tension Strength for TRIP800 configurations.

Figure 3: Cross-tension Strength for TRIP800 configurations.B-6



CTS for the main DP980 configurations are shown as a function of weld diameter in Figures 4 and 5.

Figure 4: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1+1, 1+2 and 2+2 configurations.

Figure 4: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1+1, 1+2 and 2+2 configurations.B-6


Figure 5: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1.25+1.25, 1.25+2 and 2+2 configurations.

Figure 5: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1.25+1.25, 1.25+2 and 2+2 configurations.B-6



The three-sheet configurations based on 1mm DP980 LC results are shown in Figures 6 and 7. These results again verify that dissimilar configuration performances appear above the “minimum rule” assumption described in Figure 1.

Figure 6: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1+1, 1+1+0 and 1+patch+1 configurations.

Figure 6: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1+1, 1+1+0 and 1+patch+1 configurations.B-6


Figure 7: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1+1, 1+2, 1+[1+1]and [1+++1]+1 configurations.

Figure 7: Cross-tension Strength for DP980 1+1, 1+2, 1+[1+1]and [1+++1]+1 configurations.B-6


The observation that CTS is greater than predicted by the “minimum rule” has been called a “positive deviation” from the expected strengths.

This work concluded that while material qualification tests are frequently based on similar welding configurations, real car body applications are quite systematically dissimilar configurations. For spot welds failing in plug mode, the strength of the assembly only depends on the weakest material strength. In case of AHSS+AHSS welded combinations, however, things turn out to be different. Similar grade but dissimilar thickness High-Strength Steel configurations have been spot welded and tested in Cross-Tension. The following main conclusions can be highlighted:

  1. For dissimilar thickness configurations, the cross-tensile strength is above the standard “minimum rule” assumptions, this phenomenon being called a “positive deviation”;
  2. Limited thermal and notch location effects can explain part of this positive deviation, but the main reason is mechanical;
  3. As evidenced through several analytic and numerical studies, this mechanical effect is due to the less severe local stresses at the notch in case of uneven thickness, and improves the positive deviation when the thickness ratio increases. Although widely used for material qualification and scientific purposes, similar configurations appear as the worst case in terms of cross-tension performance for high strength steels. Actual vehicle design should consider positive deviation in dissimilar configurations to maximize the potential strength of spot welds in High-Strength steels.



RSW of Dissimilar Steel

A variety of steel grades are used to manufacture vehicle body structures and closures. Welding dissimilar Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS) in three and four layer stack-ups requires special considerations. In this section of the Guidelines are articles summarizing papers that have investigated welding dissimilar AHSS and stack ups and discovered important factors for consideration and implementation.

RSW of 3T Stack Up

RSW of 3T Stack Up

This article is the summary of a paper entitled, “HAZ Softening of RSW of 3T Dissimilar Steel Stack-up”, Y. Lu., et al.L-15

Electromechanical Model

The study discusses the development of a 3D fully coupled thermo-electromechanical model for RSW of a three sheet (3T) stack-up of dissimilar steels. Figure 1 schematically shows the stack-up used in the study. The stack-up chosen is representative of the complex stack-ups used in BIW. Table 1 summarizes the nominal compositions of the three steels labeled in Figure 1.

Figure 1:  Schematics of the 3T stack-up of 0.75-mm-thick JAC 270/1.4-mm-thick JSC 980/1.4-mm-thick JSC 590 steels.

Figure 1:  Schematics of the 3T stack-up of 0.75-mm-thick JAC 270/1.4-mm-thick JSC 980/1.4-mm-thick JSC 590 steels.L-15


Table 1: Nominal Composition of Steels

Table 1: Nominal Composition of Steels.L-15


JAC270 is a cold rolled Mild steel with a galvanneal coating having a minimum tensile strength of 270 MPa. JSC590 and JSC980 are bare cold rolled Dual Phase steels with a minimum tensile strength of 590 MPa and 980 MPa, respectively.

The electrodes used were CuZr dome-radius electrodes with a surface diameter of 6 mm. The welding parameters are listed in Table 2.

Table 2: Welding Parameters for Resistance Spot Welding of 3T Stack-Up of Steel Sheets

Table 2: Welding Parameters for Resistance Spot Welding of 3T Stack-Up of Steel Sheets.L-15


Figure 2 shows consistent nugget dimensions between simulation and experiment, supporting the validity of the RSW process model for 3T stack-up. The effect of welding current on nugget penetration into the thin sheet is similar to that on the nugget size. It increases rapidly at low welding current and saturates to 32% when the welding current is higher than 9 kA, as shown in Figure 2C.

Figure 5:  Comparison between experimental and simulated results: A) Nugget geometry at 8 kA; B) nugget diameters; C) nugget penetration into the thin sheet as a function of welding current. In Figure 5A, the simulated nugget geometry is represented by the distribution of peak temperature (in Celsius). The two horizontal lines in Fig. 5B represent the minimal nugget diameter at Interfaces A and B calculated, according to AWS D8.1M: 2007, Specification for Automotive Weld Quality Resistance Spot Welding of Steel. Due to limited number of samples available for testing, the variability in nugget dimensions at each welding current was not measured.

Figure 2:  Comparison between experimental and simulated results: A) Nugget geometry at 8 kA; B) nugget diameters; C) nugget penetration into the thin sheet as a function of welding current. In Figure 2A, the simulated nugget geometry is represented by the distribution of peak temperature (in Celsius). The two horizontal lines in Figure 2B represent the minimal nugget diameter at Interfaces A and B calculated, according to AWS D8.1M: 2007, Specification for Automotive Weld Quality Resistance Spot Welding of Steel. Due to limited number of samples available for testing, the variability in nugget dimensions at each welding current was not measuredL-15.


The results for nugget formation during RSW of the 3T stack-up are show in Figures 3-5. Figure 2 shows that, at the start of welding, the contact pressure at interface A (thin/thick) has a higher peak and drops more quickly along the radial direction than that at interface B (thick/thick). Due to the more localized contact area (Figure 3), a high current density can be observed at interface A, as shown in Figure 4A. Additionally, due to the high current density at interface A, localized heating is generated at this interface, as shown in Figure 5A.

Figure 3: Calculated contact pressure distribution at interfaces A (thin/thick) and B (thick/thick) at a welding time of 5 ms, current of 8 kA, and electrode force of 3.4 kN.

Figure 3: Calculated contact pressure distribution at interfaces A (thin/thick) and B (thick/thick) at a welding time of 5 ms, current of 8 kA, and electrode force of 3.4 L-15


Figure 4: Calculated current density distribution at interfaces A (thin/thick) and B (thick/thick) at welding time of A — 5 ms; B — 200 and 300 ms.

Figure 4: Calculated current density distribution at interfaces A (thin/thick) and B (thick/thick) at welding time of A — 5 ms; B — 200 and 300 ms.L-15


Figure 5: Temperature distribution during resistance spot welding of 3T stack-up at welding times of A — 5 ms; B — 102 ms; C — 300 ms. Welding current is 8 kA and electrode force is 3.4 kN. Calculated temperature is given in Celsius.

Figure 5: Temperature distribution during resistance spot welding of 3T stack-up at welding times of A) 5 ms; B) 102 ms; C) 300 ms. Welding current is 8 kA and electrode force is 3.4 kN. Calculated temperature is given in Celsius.L-15


As welding time increases, the contact area is expanded, resulting in a decrease of current density. The heat generation rate is shifted from interfaces to the bulk and the peak temperature occurs near the geometrical center of the stack-up.

Figure 6 illustrates that the predicted value corresponds well with the experimental data indicating a sound fitting to the isothermal tempering experimental data.

Figure 6: Comparison of the measured hardness with JMAK calculation showing the goodness of fit of the JSC 980 tempering kinetics parameters.

Figure 6: Comparison of the measured hardness with JMAK calculation showing the goodness of fit of the JSC 980 tempering kinetics parameters.L-15


Figure 7 shows the predicted hardness map of RSW 3T stack-up as well as the predicted and measured hardness profiles for JSC 980.


Figure 7: A) Predicted hardness map of resistance spot welded 3T stack-up; B) predicted and measured hardness profiles along the line marked in (A) for JSC 980.

Figure 7: A) Predicted hardness map of resistance spot welded 3T stack-up; B) predicted and measured hardness profiles along the line marked in (A) for JSC 980.L-15


RSW Modelling Process and Performance

RSW Modelling Process and Performance

The advantages of numerical simulations for resistance welding are obvious for saving time and reducing costs in product developments and process optimizations. Today’s modeling techniques can predict temperature, microstructure, stress, and hardness distribution in the weld and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) after welding. Commercial modeling software is available which considers material type, various current modes, machine characteristics, electrode geometry, etc. An example of process simulation results for spot welding of 0.8-mm DC 06 low-carbon steel to 1.2-mm DP 600 steel is shown in Figure 1. Obviously, this technique can apply to dissimilar thicknesses, material types, and geometries. Application of adhesives is also being used with these simulations.  This simulation techniques are found to be very beneficial to predict vehicle crashworthiness as it can dramatically reduce the cost of crash evaluations.

You will find several articles in this section describing RSW modelling studies and procedures.

Figure 1: Simulation results with microstructures and hardness distribution for spot welding of 0.8-mm DC06 low-carbon steel to 1.2-mm DP 600 steel.Z-1

Figure 1: Simulation results with microstructures and hardness distribution for spot welding of 0.8-mm DC06 low-carbon steel to 1.2-mm DP 600 steel.Z-1