RSW Joint Performance Testing
Acceptable weld integrity criteria vary greatly among manufacturers and world regions. Each AHSS user needs to establish their own weld acceptance criteria and the characteristics of AHSS resistance spot welds. AHSS spot weld strength is higher than that of the mild steel for a given button size (See figure in Process Simulation). It is important to note that partial buttons (plugs) or interfacial fractures do not necessarily characterize a failed spot weld in AHSS. Interfacial fractures may be typical of smaller weld sizes in Mild steel or in all weld sizes in AHSS. Reference is made to the new Specification AWS/ANSI D8.1 Weld Quality Acceptance (Figures 1 through 4).
Figure 1: Load-bearing capacity of spot welds on various cold-rolled steelsL-2 (Steel type, grade, and any coatings are indicated on the bars.).
Figure 2: Representative minimum shear tension strength values for Group 3 steels.A-13
Figure 3: Representative minimum shear tension strength values for Group 4 steels.A-13
Figure 4: Minimum Cross-Tension Strength (CTS) values for Group 2, 3, and 4 steels.A-13
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In static or dynamic conditions, the spot weld strength of Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS) may be considered as a limiting factor. One solution to improve resistance spot weld strength is to add a high-strength adhesive to the weld. Figure 1 illustrates the strength improvement obtained in static conditions when crash adhesive (in this case, Betamate 1496 from Dow Automotive) is added. The trials were performed with 45-mm-wide and 16-mm adhesive bead samples.
Figure 1: Tensile Shear Strength and Cross Tensile Strength on DP 600.A-16
Another approach to improve the strength of welds is done by using laser welding instead of spot welding. Compared to spot welding, the main advantage of laser welding, with respect to the mechanical properties of the joint, is the possibility to adjust the weld dimension to the requirement. One may assume that, in tensile shear conditions, the weld strength depends linearly on the weld length as indicated in the results of a trial A-16, shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Tensile-shear strength on laser weld stitches of different length.A-16
However, a comparison of spot weld to laser weld strength cannot be restricted to the basic tensile shear test. Tests were also conducted to evaluate the weld strength in both quasi-static and dynamic conditions under different solicitations, on various AHSS combinations. The trials were performed on a high-speed testing machine, at 5 mm/min for the quasi-static tests and 0.5 m/s for the dynamic tests (pure shear, pure tear or mixed solicitation, as shown in Figure 3). The strength at failure and the energy absorbed during the trial were measured. Laser stitches were done at 27mm length. C- and S-shape welds were performed with the same overall weld length.
Figure 3: Sample geometry for quasi-static and dynamic tests.A-16
The weld strength at failure is described in Figure 4, where major axes represent pure shear and tear (Figure 4). For a reference spot weld corresponding to the upper limit of the weldability range, globally similar weld properties can be obtained with 27mm laser welds. The spot weld equivalent length of 25-30 mm has been confirmed on other test cases on AHSS in the 1.5- to 2 mm thickness range. It has also been noticed that the spot weld equivalent length is shorter on thin mild steel (approximately 15-20 mm). This must be considered when shifting from spot to laser welding on a given structure. There is no major strain rate influence on the weld strength; the same order of magnitude is obtained in quasi-static and dynamic conditions.
Figure 4: Quasi-static and dynamic strength of welds, DP 600 2 mm+1.5 mm.A-16
The results in terms of energy absorbed by the sample are seen in Figure 5. In tearing conditions, both the strength at fracture and energy are lower for the spot weld than for the various laser welding procedures. In shear conditions, the strength at fracture is equivalent for all the welding processes. However, the energy absorption is more favorable to spot welds. This is due to the different fracture modes of the welds; for example, interfacial fracture is observed on the laser welds under shearing solicitation. Even if the strength at failure is as high as for the spot welds, this severe failure mode leads to lower total energy absorption.
Figure 5: Strength at fracture and energy absorption of Hot Rolled 1500 1.8-mm + DP 600 1.5-mm samples for various welding conditions.A-16
Figure 6 represents the energy absorbed by omega-shaped structures and the corresponding number of welds that fail during the frontal crash test (here on TRIP 800 grade). It appears clearly that laser stitches have the highest rate of fracture during the crash test (33%). In standard spot welding, some weld fractures also occur. It is known that AHSS are more prone to partial interfacial fracture on coupons, and some welds fail as well during crash tests. By using either Weld-Bonding or adapted laser welding shapes, weld fractures are mitigated, even in the case of severe deformation. As a consequence, higher energy absorption is also observed.
Figure 6: Welding process and weld shape influence on the energy absorption and weld integrity on frontal crash tests.A-16
Up to a 20% improvement can be achieved in torsional stiffness, where the best results reflected the combination of laser welds and adhesives. Adhesive bonding and weld- bonding lead to the same stiffness improvement results due to the adhesive rather than the additional welds. Figure 7 shows the evolution of the torsional stiffness with the joining process. Optimized laser joining design leads to the same performances as a weld bonded sample in fracture modes, shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7: Evolution of the torsional stiffness with the joining process.A-16
Figure 8: Validation test case 1.2-mmTRIP 800/1.2-mm hat-shaped TRIP 800.
Top-hat crash boxes were tested across a range of AHSS materials including DP 1000. The spot weld’s energy absorption increased linearly with increasing material strength. The adhesives were not suitable for crash applications as the adhesive peels open along the entire length of the joint. The weld bonded samples perform much better than conventional spot welds. Across the entire range of materials there was a 20-30% increase in mean force when weld bonding was used; the implications suggesting a similarly significant improvement in crash performance. Furthermore, results show that a 600 MPa weld bonded steel can achieve the same crash performance as a 1000 MPa spot-welded steel. It is also possible that some down gauging of materials could be achieved, but as the strength of the crash structure is highly dependent upon sheet thickness, only small gauge reductions would be possible. Figure 9 shows the crash results for spot-welded and weld bonded AHSS.
Figure 9: Crash results for spot-welded and weld bonded AHSS.
Resistance Spot Welding
Judging Weldability Using Carbon Equivalence (CE)
Existing Carbon Equivalent (CE) formulas for Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) of steels do not adequately predict weld performance in AHSS. Weld quality depends on variables such as thickness, strength, loading mode, and weld size. New formulae are proposed by various entities. Because there is no universally accepted formula, use of any one CE equation is not possible and users should develop their own CE equations based on their experience.
Part Fit-Up
Resistance welding depends on the interfacial resistance between two sheets. Good and consistent fit-up of parts is important to all resistance welding. Part fit-up is even more critical to the welding of AHSS due to increased YS and greater springback. In case of poor or inconsistent part fit-up, large truncated cone electrodes are recommended for both AHSS and conventional steels. The larger cap size will have large current range, which might compensate for the poor part fit-up. Also, progressive electrode force and upslope can be used to solve poor part fit-up.
Resistance Spot Welding
Although there are differences in weld process depending on weld tip material and shape (truncated cone and dome shape), AHSS can be welded with all weld tip shapes and materials. Dome-shaped electrodes ensure buttons even at lower currents due to higher current densities at the center of the dome shape (Figure 1). The curve of dome-shaped electrodes will help to decrease the effect of electrode misalignment. However, dome electrodes might have less electrode life on coated steels without frequent tip dressing. Due to round edges, the dome electrode will have fewer tendencies to have surface cracks when compared to truncated electrode.
Figure 1: Effect of electrode geometry on current range
using AC power mode and single pulse.L-2
Resistance Spot Welding
Parameter Guidelines
In summary, Tables 1 and 2 provide the AWS C1.1 Spot Welding Parameter Guidelines link to Recommended Practices for Resistance Welding. These general guidelines can be used to approximate which parameters can be used to begin the Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) process of a specific part thickness. From the recommended parameters, changes can be made on a specific stack-up to ensure an acceptable strength and nugget size for a particular application. Additionally, more complicated RSW parameter guidelines using a pulsation welding schedule with AC 60 Hz for welding AHSS is included in Table 3.
Table 1: Spot welding parameters for low-carbon steel 350-700 MPa (AHSS).A-14
- Use of coated parameters recommended with the presence of a coating at any faying surface.
- These recommendations are based on available weld schedules representing recommendations from resistance welding equipment suppliers and users.
- For intermediate thicknesses parameters may be interpolated.
- Minimum weld button shear strength determined as follows:
- ST = ((-8.83×10-7 × S2 + 1.34×10-3 × S + 1.514) × S × 4t1.5)/1000
- ST = Shear Tension Strength (kN)
- S = Base Metal Tensile Strength (MPa)
- t = Material Thickness (mm)
- Metal thicknesses represent the actual thickness of the sheets being welded. In the case of welding two sheets of different thicknesses, use the welding parameters for the thinner sheet.
- Welding parameters are applicable when using electrode materials included in RWMA Classes 1 , 2, and 20.
- Electrode shapes listed include: A-pointed, B-domed, E-truncated, F-radiused. Figure 2 shows these shapes.
- The use of Type-B geometry may require a reduction in current and may result in excessive indentation unless face is dressed to specified diameter.
- The use of Type F geometry may require an increase in current.
- Welding parameters are based on single-phase AC 60 Hz equipment.
- Nugget diameters are listed as:
- Minimum diameter that is recommended to be considered a satisfactory weld.
- Initial aim setup nugget diameter that is recommended in setting up a weld station to produce nuggets that consistently surpass the satisfactory weld nugget diameter for a given number of production welds.
Table 2: Spot welding parameters for low-carbon steel >700 MPa (AHSS). A-14
- Use of coated parameters recommended with the presence of a coating at any faying surface.
- These recommendations are based on available weld schedules representing recommendations from resistance welding equipment suppliers and users.
- For intermediate thicknesses parameters may be interpolated.
- Minimum weld button shear strength determined as follows:
- ST = ((-8.83×10-7 × S2 + 1.34×10-3 × S + 1.514) × S × 4t1.5)/1000
- ST = Shear Tension Strength (kN)
- S = Base Metal Tensile Strength (MPa)
- t = Material Thickness (mm)
- Metal thicknesses represent the actual thickness of the sheets being welded. In the case of welding two sheets of different thicknesses, use the welding parameters for the thinner sheet.
- Welding parameters are applicable when using electrode materials included in RWMA Classes 1, 2, and 20.
- Electrode shapes listed include: A-pointed, B-domed, E-truncated, F-radiused. Figure 2 shows these shapes.
- The use of Type-B geometry may require a reduction in current and may result in excessive indentation unless face is dressed to specified diameter.
- The use of Type F geometry may require an increase in current.
- Welding parameters are based on single-phase AC 60 Hz equipment.
- Nugget diameters are listed as:
- Minimum diameter that is recommended to be considered a satisfactory weld.
- Initial aim setup nugget diameter that is recommended in setting up a weld station to produce nuggets that consistently surpass the satisfactory weld nugget diameter for a given number of production welds.
Table 3: AHSS bare-to-bare, bare-to-galvanized, Galvanized-to-galvanized RSW parameters for pulsating AC 60 Hz.A-14
Heat, Material and Thickness Balances
The heat input in Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) is defined as:
Heat Input = I2Rt
where: I is welding current
R is total resistance, and
t is weld time
The heat input must be changed depending on the gauge and grade of the steel. Compared to low strength steel at a particular gauge, the AHSS at the same gauge will need less current. Similarly, the thin gauge material needs less current than thick gauge. Controlling the heat input according to the gauge and grade is called heat balance in RSW.
For constant thickness, Table 1 shows steel classification based on strength level. With increasing group numbers, higher electrode force, longer weld time, and lower current are required for satisfactory RSW. Material combinations with one group difference can be welded with little or no changes in weld parameters. Difference of two or three groups may require special considerations in terms of electrode cap size, force, or type of power source.
Table 1: Steel classification for RSW purposes.A-11
For a particular steel grade, changes in thickness may require adoption of special schedules to control heat balance. When material type and gauge are varied together, specific weld schedules may need to be developed. Due to the higher resistivity of AHSS, the nugget growth occurs preferentially in AHSS. Electrode life on the AHSS-side may be reduced due to higher temperature on this side. In general, electrode life when welding AHSS may be similar to mild steel because of lower operating current requirement due to higher bulk resistivity in AHSS. This increase in electrode life may be offset in production due to poor part fit up created by higher AHSS springback. Frequent tip dressing will maintain the electrode tip shape and help achieve consistently acceptable quality welds.
Welding Current Mode
AHSS can be welded with power sources operated with either AC or DC types (Figure 1). Middle-Frequency Direct-Current (MFDC) has an advantage over conventional AC due to both unidirectional and continuous current. These characteristics assist in controlling and directing the heat generation at the interface. Current mode has no significant difference in weld quality. It should be noted that both AC and DC can easily produce acceptable welds where thickness ratios are less than 2:1. However, some advantage may be gained using DC where thickness ratios are over 2:1, but welding practices must be developed to optimize the advantages. It also has been observed that nugget sizes are statistically somewhat larger when using DC welding with the same secondary weld parameters than with AC. Some studies have shown that welding with MFDC provides improvements in heat balance and weld process robustness when there is a thickness differential in AHSS (as shown in Figure 2). DC power sources have been reported to provide better power factors and lower power consumption than AC power sources. Specifically, it has been reported that AC requires about 10% higher energy than DC to make the same size weld.L-7
Figure 1: Range for 1.4-mm DP 350/600 CR steel at different current modes with a single pulse.L-2
Figure 2: Effect of current mode on dissimilar-thickness stack-up.L-2
Consult safety requirements for your area when considering MFDC welding for manual weld gun applications. The primary feed to the transformers contains frequencies and voltages higher than for AC welding.
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