P-21. A. Pic and F. Pinard, “Usibor ® and Ductibor®: a “hot” combination for safer and lighter cars”, ArcelorMittal Update, p. 12–13, 2009.
P-21. A. Pic and F. Pinard, “Usibor ® and Ductibor®: a “hot” combination for safer and lighter cars”, ArcelorMittal Update, p. 12–13, 2009.
D-20. L. Dormegny, “Efficient lightweighting with new Press Hardenable Steels,” AMS Webinar, 2017.
H-21. ArcelorMittal, “Hot-rolled ferrite-bainite steels,” ArcelorMittal Automotive Product Catalogue.
C-14. ArcelorMittal, “Complex phase steels”, Automotive Product Catalogue.
A-35. Courtesy of ArcelorMittal Tubular Business Unit. tubular.arcelormittal.com/business_units/67/language/EN