A-3. High Strength Steel (HSS) Stamping Design Manual, Auto/Steel Partnership (1997).
This Manual is not available online. However, you may wish to refer to A-2, which is the 2000 update of this publication.
A-3. High Strength Steel (HSS) Stamping Design Manual, Auto/Steel Partnership (1997).
This Manual is not available online. However, you may wish to refer to A-2, which is the 2000 update of this publication.
N-25. J. Noel, HSS Stamping Task Force, Auto/Steel Partnership.
A-2. Auto/Steel Partnership, High Strength Steel (HSS) Stamping Design Manual, (2000).
P-14. J. M. Prencipe, Jr., “Advanced High-Strength Steel Technology in the 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee“, Presented at 2005 Great Designs in Steel, Sponsored by American Iron and Steel Institute.
W-19. Y. W. Wang, “A New Hybrid Bead with Post-stretching Method to Effectively Control Spring-back for Advanced High-Strength Steel“, Presented at 2018 Great Designs in Steel, Sponsored by American Iron and Steel Institute.