Y-9. W. Yu, R. A. LaBoube, H. Chen, “Cold-Formed Steel Design”, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-119-48741-8.
Y-9. W. Yu, R. A. LaBoube, H. Chen, “Cold-Formed Steel Design”, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-119-48741-8.
A-42. American Iron and Steel Institute, “AISI Automotive Steel Design Manual”, June 2004 with 2011 updates.
W-21. G. Winter, “Commentary on the 1968 Edition of Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members, American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Specifications, Standards, Manuals And Research Reports (1946 – Present)”, 1970.
O-4. Graphics and examples contributed by Dr. Kyung-Seok OH, POSCO.
L-19. J.W. Lee, M.G. Lee, and F. Barlat, “Finite element modeling using homogeneous anisotropic hardening and application to spring-back prediction,” International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 29, February 2012, Pages 13-41.