Edge Stretching Tests
topofpage Hole Tension Test Edge Tension Test Side Bending Test Half-Specimen Dome Test (HSDT) Edge Flange Test The ISO…
Improvement by Metallurgical Approaches
The Hole Expansion test (HET) quantifies the edge stretching capability of a sheet metal grade having a specific edge condition.…
Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding (HLAW) Pore Formation and Prevention
This is a summary of a paper by M. Mazar Atabaki, et al, entitled, "Pore formation and its mitigation during…
Citation: M-66. M. Mazar Atabaki, J. Ma, W. Liu, R. Kovacevic, "Pore formation and its mitigation during hybrid laser/arc welding…
GMAW of Dissimilar AHSS Sheets
This is a summary of a paper of the same title, authored by K. Májlinger, E. Kalácska, and P. Russo…
Citation: M-65. K. Májlinger, E. Kalácska, P. Russo Spena, “Gas metal arc welding of dissimilar AHSS sheets”, Materials & Design,…
Press Hardened Steels
Introduction PHS Grades with Tensile Strength Approximately 1500 MPa Grades with Higher Ductility PHS Grades Over 1500 MPa Other Steels…